The influence of martial arts training on the personality formation of higher education students




martial arts, higher education students, higher education institutions, personality, value orientations


Purpose: to determine the role of martial arts in the process of forming a harmonious personality of higher education students in the People's Republic of China and Ukraine. Material and Methods. Theoretical and empirical research methods were used in the study: analysis of scientific and methodological literature and Internet sources, analysis of regulatory documents; comparative analysis; method of value orientations by M. Rokic; sociological survey (questionnaire); methods of mathematical statistics. Results: the study examines the peculiarities of the use of martial arts in higher education institutions of the People's Republic of China and Ukraine, conducts a sociological survey of higher education students of both countries regarding their attitude to practicing various types of martial arts, and compares the value orientations of students formed under the influence of martial arts. It turned out that in higher education institutions of the People's Republic of China, martial arts are included as a compulsory subject in the State Physical Education Program, while in Ukrainian higher education institutions, certain types of martial arts are introduced into the educational process by the decision of the management. The survey showed that higher education students in both countries consider martial arts to be popular sports and engage in these sports for harmonious development and health. Some terminal and instrumental values of higher education students in China and Ukraine are somewhat different, while the general value orientations and life principles of martial arts students are similar. Conclusions. Martial arts training has a positive effect on the harmonious development of higher education students. Under the influence of training, the level of physical development increases, a system of values aimed at personal growth and life wisdom is formed. Higher education students who are engaged in martial arts take care of their own health and personal development. They prioritize education, responsibility, strong will, and friendship, which indicate a desire for physical, intellectual, and moral and ethical growth. The results of the study make it possible to recommend martial arts training in higher education institutions in order to improve physical condition or achieve high sports results.

Author Biographies

Chen Dongdong, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

candidate of the Third (Postgraduate’s) Level of Higher Education

А. Bondar, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

PhD in Physical Education and Sports, Professor

Liu Shaoying, Haikou University of Economics

Doctor of Science in Physical Education and Sports, Professor


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