Analysis of the performances of qualified Greco-Roman wrestlers at the 2023 Ukrainian Championships




competition, fights, qualified wrestlers, indicators, training


Purpose: to analyze the performances of the wrestlers at the 2023 championship of Ukraine in Greco-Roman wrestling among juniors (U20). Material and methods. The fights of the 2023 Championship of Ukraine among juniors (U20) in Greco-Roman wrestling were analyzed. All quarter-final, semi-final and final fights in all weight categories were selected for analysis. The analysis was implemented due to the processing of competition protocols. Consider the following indicators of competitive activity: the number of scored points per fight/per minute; duration of the fight. Mean values, standard deviation and Student's value criterion were calculated using the methods of mathematical statistics. Results:for all wrestlers – 4,3±1,9 points, for wrestlers who won – 7,2±2,7 points, and for wrestlers who lost – 1,4±0,8 points. According to the data, the average number of points per minute is: for all wrestlers – 1,2±0,7 points, for wrestlers who won – 1,9±1,0 points, and for wrestlers who lost – 0,4±0,1 points. in addition, almost two-thirds of the fights (65,6 %) ended prematurely, which indicates the high competitiveness and determination of the fighters to achieve victory. The analysis showed that in almost half of all matches (46,7 %) one of the wrestlers did not score a single point, which confirms the dominance of some wrestlers over others and highlights the importance of technical and tactical training. For quarter-final and semi-final matches, the average number of points for all wrestlers is 4,3±2,0 points; for wrestlers who won – 7,4±2,7 points; and for wrestlers who lost – 1,2 ±0,8 points. In the final matches, these indicators change: for all wrestlers – 4,4±2, points; for winners – 7,0±2,4 points; and for those who lost – 1,8±1,1 points. The average duration of the fights in general was 3 minutes 45 seconds, the last finalists competed for an average of 4 minutes 15 seconds, which is 30 seconds more than the other athletes. Conclusions. Patterns were revealed in the indicators of points scored by wrestlers per fight and per minute, depending on the result of the victory and the stage of the competition. The significant difference between the indicators of the winners and the losers is a clear indicator that the ability to effectively use the technical-tactical arsenal in the conditions of competitive wrestling is critical to achieving success in sports wrestling.

Author Biographies

Yang Haojin, National Universitiy of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport

graduate student of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy

L. Korobeinikova, National Universitiy of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport

Dr. Sc. Biology, Professor


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