The main directions of improving the competitive activities of the Sumoists



Sumoists, competitive activity, methods, development, throw


Purpose: to identify the main directions of improving the competitive activities of sumo wrestlers. Material and methods. The main criterion for evaluating the success of the training process is the successful performance in competitions. For the experimental and control groups, such competitions became the championship of IC Adrenalin, held at the end of the school year. Research methods: theoretical analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature; pedagogical observation; expert video analysis; modeling of competitive activity; test method; pedagogical experiment; methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The model characteristics of a highly qualified athlete will be as follows: height - 181-185 cm; weight - 139-155 kg age at which the maximum result is achieved - 29 years; the ratio of height (cm) to weight (kg) - 1: (0.77-0.84) number of tournaments. As a result of the research, patterns of sumo duels were revealed, the key moments of the duel were determined. As a result of the introduction of specially developed exercises developed by us into the training process of the sumoists of the Kharkiv region (one year later), the number of winning and summary draws of the starting jerks increased from 20 to 80%. After analyzing the data obtained, we can conclude that in the experimental group there is a positive average connection between the technique of throwing, the technique of maneuvering and the result of performance in competitions 0,51, 0,54, respectively. The obtained coefficients show that in this experiment the success of the experimental group’s performances in the control competitions depended mainly on the ability to technically correctly perform relatively uncomplicated throws, punches and on the ability to quickly, timely, given the distance to the opponent to move. In turn, an analysis of the results of competitive activities of athletes from the EG to assess the tactical actions of sumo wrestlers in a fight suggests that they had an increase in starting jerks. The average tactical activity increased from 0,3 to 1,8. Conclusions: As a result of our research, complexes of spamming exercises for modeling basic technical and tactical actions in the most typical situations of competitive activity in sumo have been developed; revealed high efficiency of the proposed exercise complexes.

Author Biographies

Konstantin Ananchenko, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

Phd (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor

Anton Chuev, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

graduate student of martial arts department

Georgy Zantaraya, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

graduate student of martial arts department


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