Speed-strength orientation of training young sambo wrestlers



young sambo wrestlers, speed-strength orientation, physical preparation, dynamics


Purpose: to develop and experimentally substantiate the effectiveness of the methodology for training young sambo wrestlers 9-10 years with directionality on the speed-strength component. Material and methods: In the experiment, 20 young sambo wrestlers from the Chuguev Children's Sports School of Kharkiv region took part (age 9-10 years). They were divided into experimental (n = 10) and control groups (n = 10). A specially organized pedagogical experiment lasted 25 weeks. The content of the training sessions of the experimental group included a large number of general development and special exercises aimed at developing the speed-strength abilities of athletes. We used exercises with rubber shock absorbers, weighting agents, jumping exercises, throwing various objects, games with elements of single combat, moving games and exercises that contribute to the development of the ability to quickly strain and relax the muscles. Results. During the experiment, the positive dynamics of physical fitness of young sambo wrestlers of the experimental group significantly surpassed (in all the studied parameters) the growth of the level of physical fitness of the athletes of the control group. Conclusions: The increase in the volume of speed-strength means in the training process of young sambo wrestlers should be considered as one of the ways to improve the efficiency of the training system at the initial stage of sports specialization. Sport training, focused on the accentuated improvement of speed-strength abilities, ensures the achievement by young Sambo wrestlers of 9-10 years of considerable growth not only in speed-strength abilities, but also in other motor abilities directly related to them (absolute strength, power and speed-strength endurance, agility). Under the influence of speed-strength training, the intensity of the training process increases, which, in turn, increases the density of training sessions.

Author Biographies

Tatyana Kravchuk, Kharkov National Pedagogical University named after G.S. Skovoroda

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of pulpit of gymnastics, musical-rhythmic education and martial arts

Gennady Ogar, Kharkov National Pedagogical University named after G.S. Skovoroda

senior lecturer of the pulpit of gymnastics, musical-rhythmic education and martial arts

Bogdan Kondratovych, Kharkov National Pedagogical University named after G.S. Skovoroda

student 62 group to the faculty of physical education and sport


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