Model characteristics of physical fitness of young wrestlers in preliminary training groups



model characteristics, physical fitness, young athletes, Greco-Roman wrestling


Purpose: to develop model characteristics of physical fitness of young wrestlers in groups of preliminary preparation. To assess the physical fitness of young wrestlers, we used the following tests: running 30 meters, the maximum number of pull-ups on the crossbar the maximum number of flexion-extension of the arms in the rest position, the maximum number of flexion-extension of the arms in the support on the bars, the maximum number of legs raised to the arms hanging on a gymnastic wall, climbing a rope 5 meters with legs, a long jump from the spot, 10 forward rolls, 10 coups on a bridge, 1,500 meters running. Material and methods: the study was conducted in September 2018 on the basis of the sports school number 9 of the city of Kharkov. The study used the following methods: analysis of scientific and methodological information, compilation of advanced practical experience, pedagogical testing, methods of mathematical statistics. The study involved 24 young athletes who are engaged in Greco-Roman wrestling in groups of preliminary training for the first year of study, the age of the subjects is 10-11 years, the work experience is 2-3 years. Results: it was established that preliminary training groups are formed on a competitive basis from healthy and healthy students who have undergone the necessary training for at least two years and have completed control and translation standards for general physical, special physical and technical training. In sports wrestling, physical fitness of athletes is one of the most important components of the general structure of their fitness, which determines the level of special performance. The obtained results of pedagogical testing allowed us to determine the model characteristics of the physical fitness of young Greco-Roman style wrestlers in preliminary training groups. Conclusions: the analysis done and the models presented were the basis for the development of evaluation criteria for the level of physical fitness. They allow differentiated assessment and management of the physical performance of young Greco-Roman style wrestlers in preliminary training groups.

Author Biography

Yura Tropin, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

Phd (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor


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