Investigation of the influence of menstrual cycle phases on the functional state of a qualified judo veteran
menstrual cycle, phases, functional state, sensorimotor reactions, heart rate variability, parameters, judo, veteran sportswomanAbstract
Purpose: to investigate the influence of menstrual cycle phases on the functional status of a qualified female veteran judo athlete. Material and methods. The following methods were used in the study: analysis of scientific and methodological information and Internet sources; generalization of advanced practical experience; measurement of sensorimotor reactions and determination of heart rate variability indices; methods of mathematical statistics. A qualified veteran female judo athlete (Master of Sports of Ukraine) in the age category F2 (1983-1979) took part in the study. We performed 84 measurements of heart rate variability (n=42, HRV in the supine position; n=42, heart rate variability during the test task dedicated to measuring the choice reaction). The measurement was performed using two computer programs for mobile devices running iPadOS «Research HRV» and «HRV SR+CR» during morning hours (7-8 hours) and afternoon hours (17-18 hours). Results: analysis of the dynamics of changes in heart rate variability parameters obtained in the supine position indicates an increase in sympathetic activity in the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle. Analysis of comparisons of heart rate variability parameters in different phases of the menstrual cycle indicates that the greatest number of statistically significant (p<0,05) differences is observed in the first half of the day. These changes indicate the dynamics of the decrease in the tone of the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system in the follicular phase when performing test tasks provided by the computer program «HRV SR+CR». Analysis of the study results indicates that the indicators of heart rate variability are also influenced by the measurement conditions. The test tasks of the computer program «HRV SR+CR» provide cognitive load and concentration of attention, especially in the second stage, where it is necessary to choose the sought-after figure. During cognitive tasks there is an increase in the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system, which leads to an increase in heart rate variability. High level of heart rate variability is associated with better cognitive functions and adaptive response to stress. Consequently, these differences in heart rate variability obtained using the «Research HRV» and «HRV SR+CR» programs may be the result of interactions between physiological changes during the menstrual cycle as well as the influence of measurement conditions. Understanding the changes in heart rate variability indices during test tasks related to the manifestation of the choice reaction provides information about the influence of cognitive load and attention concentration on the functional state of the female athlete. This will allow to plan the training process of wrestling taking into account the phases of the menstrual cycle and functional capabilities that are inherent in high-skilled female athletes. Conclusions. The parameters of heart rate variability and sensorimotor reaction time provide information about the functional state of martial artists. Understanding of metabolic and hormonal processes in different phases of the menstrual cycle of qualified wrestlers will allow to optimize their training loads and recovery measures.
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