Factor structure of preparedness of taekwondo players of 15-17 years old





taekwondoists, factor, analysis, index, indicators, preparedness, structure


Purpose: to investigate the factor structure of preparedness of taekwondo players of 15-17 years old. Material and Methods. The following methods were used in the research: analysis of scientific and methodical literature, pedagogical testing, medical and biological methods, methods of mathematical statistics. Results: in the course of the research the factor structure of preparedness of taekwondoists of 15-17 years old by the general sample was studied and 9 orthogonal factors were separated in which the sum of loading variables ranges from 9,571 to 1,736, describing 84,804 % of the total variance. The contribution of the first factor, «morpho-functional», to the total variance is 22,788 % and consists of 10 indicators. The second factor accounts for 13,068 % of the total variance, which reflects the special high-speed abilities of taekwondo players of 15-17 years old in the structure of which 7 indicators are included. In the third factor, which accounts for 11,334 % of the total variance, 7 indicators were the main ones. The fourth orthogonal factor has a contribution of 9,259 % of the total variance, the highest correlation was found in 3 indicators. This factor is characterized as a manifestation of coordination abilities with a combination of high-speed endurance (coordination high-speed endurance). The most significant indexes of the fifth factor (6,868 %) are the power index on the left hand (r=0,529) and performance of a side kick with the left (r=0,682) and right (r=-0,569) foot with a deployment on 360° for 15 s. This factor determines the manifestation of strength and the performance of complex coordination kicks and is interpreted by us as «coordination strength». The structure of the sixth factor «Frequency of movements» with a total variance of 6,431 % includes 3 indicators. The seventh factor «ability to control movements» with a total variance of 5,720 % consists of 2 indicators with the highest correlation of lateral kicks with the left foot in the body for 15 s (r=-0,596) and fencing in motion before losing balance with the left foot (r=0,500). The eighth factor «keeping balance»has 2 indicators: fencing for 15 s in the upper level with the left foot (r=0,559) and tilt of a trunk forward from a sitting position (r=-0,514) with a contribution to the general variance of 5,203 %. This is due to the fact that when performing fencing for 15 s in the upper level with the left foot, the athlete stands on one leg and performs blows to the head with the other, to perform this technical technique, the taekwondo player needs a good display of flexibility. The ninth factor reflects reactivity of muscles of hands and has a contribution of 4,133 % of the general dispersion and is characterized by throwing a tennis ball on a distance (r=-0,519). Conclusions. The research has established a dependence between components of preparedness of taekwondo fighters of 15-17 years old, also the most significant factors which reflect morpho-functional indicators, a manifestation of special high-speed abilities, power, coordination and high-speed endurance have been established. With the help of factor analysis, 9 factors were separated, out of 42 considered indicators, the contribution of which is 22,788-4,133 % and is 84,804 % of the total variance. The largest contribution of 22,788 % to the total variance of the sample of taekwondoists of 15-17 years old has morphological and functional indicators.

Author Biography

Viktoriia Pashkova, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

postgraduate student, lecturer


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