Inheritance of grain hardness by F1 and F2 bread winterwheat
bread winter wheat, variety, grain softness, grain hardness, hybridization, inheritance, segregationAbstract
The aim and tasks of the study. To establish patterns in the inheritance of grain hardness in collection bread winter wheat accessions.
Results and discussion. The data demonstrate different nature of the grain hardness inheritance in F1, namely: intermediate inheritance, positive dominance and negative dominance (hp = from 1 to - 1). Of 24 F1 hybrids, 13 had intermediate inheritance, 7 hybrid combinations had negative dominance, and positive dominance was observed in 4 combinations. Depending on the parent genotypes, the grain hardness segregation in F2 was in accordance with the mono-, di- or three-hybrid scheme. Endosperm texture was mainly formed by additive polymeria. The grain hardness segregation in F2 and the phenotype distribution occurred depending on the genotypic composition of parents.
Conclusions. The nature of the grain hardness inheritance in F1 hybrids was established; it occurred according to the following types: intermediate inheritance (54.2%), negative dominance (29.2%) and positive dominance (16.7): hp = 1 − -1. The female effect was also established for the endosperm texture formation in F1 hybrid grain. Analyzing F2 hybrid grain, we noticed the greatest number of combinations segregated by dihybrid scheme: 15: 1, 9: 7, 7: 9 (66.7%). Three-hybrid type of segregation was observed in 6 combinations (25%); monogenic - in 2 (8.3%)References
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Copyright (c) 2017 А. В. Ярош, В. К. Рябчун, І. А. Петухова, О. І. Падалка

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