Biochemical characterization of oil from seeds of sunflower mutants
gamma rays, dimethyl sulfate, mutagenesis, mutation, unsaturated fatty acid, saturated fatty acid, sunflower, oilAbstract
The aim and tasks of the study. The objective of our studies was to detect changes in the fatty acid composition of oil and to identify mutations with high content of unsaturated fatty acids. To acomplish this, the oil composition of M3 sunflower morphological mutants was determined.
Materials and methods. The starting material was 12 self-pollinated sunflower lines bred at the Plant Production Institute named after VYa Yuryev of NAAS; their seeds were treated with mutagens: they were single-step irradiated with gamma rays at a dose of 120 Gy or 150 Gy (radiation source - 60Co) or treated with super mutagen dimethyl sulphate (DMS) at a concentration of 0.01% or 0.05%. Seeds soaked in distilled water were taken as control ones. M3 plants and source lines were sown in 2016.
The fatty acid composition of oil from seeds of self-pollinated lines was determined by gas chromatography of methyl esters of fatty acids on a gas chromatograph "SelmiChrome 2" in the Laboratory of Genetics, Biotechnology and Quality of PPI nd. a VYa Yuryeva NAAS. Test plants were isolated during anthesis with parchment isolators.
Results and discussion. Analyzing the biochemical composition of oil from seeds of M3 sunflower lines obtained as a result of exposure to gamma rays (120 Gy, 150 Gy) and DMS (0.01%, 0.05%), we identified morphological mutants with altered ratios of unsaturated fatty acids. For example, mutant forms with a dominant mutation "anthocyanin hue of leaves" (0.01% DMS) and mutant forms with a dominant chlorophyll mutation "golden top" (0.05% DMS) were detected in line Kh 06-134 V shows; a mutant form with the trait of "multifoliateness" (198 leaves) (0.05% DMS ) and a mutant form with lemon color of ray flowers (orange in control) (gamma rays, 120 Gy) were induced in line Kh 201 V.
In the studies, forms with increased content of behenic acid (exposure to 0.01% or 0.05% DMS ), Kh 1334 V (0.85%; [0.64% in the control]), Od 973 B (0.80%; [0.30% in the control]) were detected. There were also forms with increased content of linoleic acid: Kh 201 V (70.79%; [62.75% in the control]; exposure to 0.05% DMS), Kh 201 V (70.54% [62.75% in the control]; exposure to gamma rays, 120 Gy), Kh 1002 V (60.57%, [49.69% in the control]; exposure to 0.05% DMS); form with increased content of palmitoleic acid: Kh 201 V (0.80%, [0.47% in the control]; exposure to gamma rays, 120 Gy), Od 973 B (0.71 %, [0.40% in the control]; exposure to gamma rays, 120 Gy).
Conclusions. Thus, analysis of the biochemical composition of oil from seeds of M3 sunflower lines resulted from mutagen action (gamma rays at a dose of 120 Gy or 150 Gy and DMS in 0.01% or 0.05% concentration) detected morphological mutants with altered ratios of fatty acids in oil. However, morphological features that appeared in mutant forms as a result of mutagen action were not associated with changes in the ratios of fatty acids, since similar changes were also found in mutant forms that did not have such morphological features. In particular, the fatty acid content can be influenced by weather conditions; therefore, further studies of these mutant forms are necessary.
These mutants can be recommended for use in breeding programs as genetic sources of valuable economic traits. The lines with increased content of behenic acid can contribute to its production from sunflower oil and thereby to quitting export of oil from plants that are not widespread in EuropeReferences
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Copyright (c) 2017 В. О. Васько, О. Г. Супрун

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