An innovative system of selection based on nonlinear analysis of phase-parametric portraits of parametric displays of composite traits of breeding accessions




selection, winter-annual, pisum sativum, component signs, linear system, nonlinear methods


The aim and tasks of the study. The objectivewas to find identical analytical forms inparametric behavior of composite traits during ontogenesis and in segregating generations to construct prognostic trends of selection and identification of traits that are promising for selection basing on results of one ontogenetic-vegetation period.

Material and methods. Analysis of geometrical properties of evolution distances of the breeding system of composite traits as a mathematical set.

Results and discussion. As a result of structural analysis of the systems of intercommunications of component signs at forming of complex at rye winter-annual, pisum sativum and potato, in the plant-breedings nurseries of different hierarchical level and different years found out the identical analytical forms of self-reactance conduct of component signs in the system of ontogenetic development and in the system of generations which fission. In the process of differentiation of these systems found out two systems of co-operations of mainly linear and nonlinear character. For example in the linear system of selection of elite ears at rye winter-annual (on principle of ortogonal optimum vectorial mutual of component signs) for period 2012–2015 growth of middle indexes of VZK is attained from a 1,67 gramme to a 2,63 gramme, KZK – from 55 шт. to 63 things, MTN – from a 31 gramme to 44 grammes.

Conclusions.On the first stages of selection most effective is a selection in the linear system on principle of optimization vectorial gradient sums of ortogonal projections of parameters of component signs, in particular due to application of these principles for four cycle selections are attained increase of the productivity to the ear at rye winter-annual on a 1 gramme due to growth of parameters of component signs of на14,4% for KZK and on 41,4% for MTN. On the second stage of selection in the system of multivariable interconnections signs after adetive multiplicative principles application of nonlinear methods of analysis is needed in phase-self-reactance space with the purpose of selection of branching, pools of attraction, solitons and others like that for forming of the sinergistical systems of selection


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