Variability and inheritance of the «oleic acid content» and «1000-achene weight» traits by F1 and F2 sunflower


  • В. В. Кириченко Plant Production Institute of NAAS, Ukraine
  • А. Ю. Удовіченко Plant Production Institute of NAAS, Ukraine
  • Н. М. Леонова Plant Production Institute of NAAS, Ukraine
  • О. Г. Супрун Plant Production Institute of NAAS, Ukraine



confectionary sunflower, line, oleic acid, 1000-achene weight, offspring, inheritance


Purpose and objectives. To establish features of the inheritance variability of oleic acid content in oil in F1 and F2 hybrids upon crossing genetic sources of high oil content with confectionery sunflower lines, to create new starting material with increased content of oleic acid and high 1000-seed weight.

Material and methods. The study was conducted in the fields of scientific crop rotation of the Plant Production Institute named after V.Ya. Yuriev of NAAS in 2015–2017. The content of oleic acid in achene oil was analyzed in lines, F1 hybrids derived from crossing these lines and segregating F2 generation. Hybrids were obtained from diallel crossing ten lines: one of them was high oleic line VK-L-4; five confectionery lines and four lines - components of oil hybrids with usual content of oleic acid.

Results and discussion. The article presents the results of a three-year analysis of the oleic acid content in seed oil. The studied lines were ranked according to this trait: low-oleic Kh51B (≤25%), high-oleic VK-L-4 (≤88.88%), the other lines were mid-oleic (25–35%). In the first generation, the increased content of oleic acid was stable in only three hybrid combinations: VK-L-4/Kh51B, VK-L-4/Kh2301V and Skx51A/VK-L-4 (56.77–64.11%). In these combinations, the oleic acid content in seed oil is inherited by intermediate type, and the degree of phenotypic dominance (hp) was 0.18, 0.07 and 0.10%, respectively, in 2016 and 0.30, 0.09 and 0.16%, respectively, in 2017.

In the segregating F2 offspring, accessions of all the categories of the oleic acid content in seed oil were identified: low-oleic (20–34%), mid-oleic (35–55%), with an increased content of oleic acid (60–70%) and high-oleic (> 82% ). As to the 1000-achene weight, segregation in F2 was also observed, and the trait varied 26.0 to81.0 g. There was a significant negative correlation (r = -0.351 for accessions from hybrid combination VK-L-4/Kh51B and r = - 0.441 - from hybrid combination Skh51A/VK-L-4) between the oleic acid content in seed oil and 1000-achene weight.

Conclusions. The study established that crossing two lines with low or medium oleic acid content in oil failed to generate hybrids with high or increased oleic acid content. The level of this trait did not exceed 33.84%. Combinations with high-oleic line VK-L-4 gave hybrids distinguished by an increased content of oleic acid (56.77–64.11%). The inheritance type for this trait in F1 hybrids was determined upon crossing two lines with usual oleic acid content or a line with usual oleic acid content and a high-oleic one. The content of oleic acid was inherited by dominance of low content or by intermediate inheritance. In F2 offspring, there were accessions of all the types of oleic acid content: from low-oleic (19.75%) to high-oleic (87.82%). F2 also segregated by 1000-achene weight, and the trait varied within 26.0-81.0 g. There was a significant negative correlation between these two traits, however, given low r=-0.441 and r=-0.351, it is possible to develop high-oleic confectionary lines from the studied breeding material.


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