Environmental plasticity of wheat lines derived from synthetic genomes ABD


  • K. I. Dokukina Institute of Plant Breeding named after V.Ya. Yuriev NAAS, Ukraine




wheat, plasticity, stability, yield, grain weight per spike 1000-grain weight.


Introduction. In order to improve wheat by breeding, bread spring wheat was crossed with the synthetics Triticum durum Desf. – Aegilops tauschii Coss. created in Mexico, CIMMYT, and introgressive lines were obtained.

Purpose of the study was to evaluate the environmental plasticity and stability of the lines derived from by hybridization of bread wheat with synthetics by yield and its important components – grain weight per spike and 1000-grain weight.

Material and methods. Twenty seven wheat-like lines derived from hybridization of bread spring wheat Kharkivska 26 with the synthetics were taken as the test material. The lines were grown in 2015, 2016 and 2017, of which 2015 and 2017 were drier and 2016 was wetter. The environmental plasticity and stability were evaluated using the Eberhart S.A. and Russel W.A. method (1966).

Results and discussion. The highest genotypic effect and environmental plasticity of yield were intrinsic to the DK 4 and DK 6 lines; high yield stability combined with increased yields was observed in the DK 2, DK 27 and DK 30 lines. DK 34 and DK 39 showed high genotypic effects, environmental plasticity and stability by high grain weight per spike and 1000-grain weight. The lines with high plasticity are recommended for breeding of intensive cultivars with positive response to improved growing conditions, whereas stable lines – as sources for more rigorous conditions.

Conclusions. Crossing of synthetics with genome ABD with spring bread wheat allows improving wheat by its genotypic effect, plasticity and stability of the yield and its main components - grain weight per spike and 1000-grain weight.


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