Effects of different storage regimens on the rye seed germination and abscisic acid content
rye seeds, storage, water content, longevity, abscisic acidAbstract
Rye (Secale cereale L.) seed often causes certain difficulties during long-term storage. Earlier common recommendations for modes of rye seed storage were specified.
Purpose and objective. Seed longevity of rye accessions with 5–7% seed moisture content during storage at unregulated temperature under eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine conditions, 4 °C and –20 °C and in the experiment modeling "accelerated aging" conditions was studied.
Material and methods. “Accelerated aging" was carried out by keeping of Kharkivianka variety seeds with a moisture content of 5%, 6% and 7% for 12, 18 months under these model conditions at 37 °C. For the studied seed samples were evaluated laboratory germination, seedling length and abscisic acid content in the seeds for individual variants of the experiment.
Results and discussion. Analysis of rye seed germination monitoring after 12, 24 and 36 months of storage shows the importance of seed storage at moisture content not exceeding 7%, achieved under appropriate drying regimes. Moisture content 5–6% is preferable for seed storage at unregulated temperature conditions of the eastern forest-steppe of Ukraine. The advantages of low storage temperatures over unregulated ones haven’t been established at these levels of moisture content after three years of storage. The best physiological condition of rye seed seedlings after two years of storage was observed at 5% seed moisture and -20 °C storage temperature.
Conclusions. According to the results of the used mode of accelerated aging it is established that it is better to predict seed longevity at a moisture content of 7%. Analysis of ABA content in seeds stored at unregulated temperature in the eastern forest-steppe of Ukraine, 4 °C and -20 °C shows that the lower ABA seed content was at lower storage temperature, but the ABA content didn’t predict seed longevity.
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