Strategic directions of increase of bean production in Ukraine


  • V. I. Sichkar Odesa State Agricultural Research Station, Ukraine



pea, chickpea, lentil, symbiotic nitrogen fixation, variety, export-import relations


Goal. Based on the results to substantiate the need for a significant increase in legume crops in Ukraine on the basis of analysis of food and feed indicators of their seeds, the impact on soil quality and the environment.

Material and methods. Field – determination of features of growth and development of plants, elements of seed productivity; biometric and measuring-weight – accounting of yield and total biomass; biochemical – determination of protein, fat and other components of seeds; statistical – variation, regression and analysis of variance.

Results and discussion. The significant nutritional value of legume seeds, which is rich in high-quality protein with a high content of essential amino acids, isoflavones, essential micronutrients, is substantiated. It is distinguished by high taste, quickly swells and boils, has a pleasant aroma. This group of crops is able to fix nitrogen from the air, provide for their own needs and leave a significant amount of it in the soil for subsequent crop rotations. Legumes should be considered in the crop rotation system together with winter wheat as fallow crops. Their synergistic effect on subsequent crop rotations is explained by the peculiarity of the microflora of the root zone, where symbiotic and free-living bacteria are concentrated. Observations indicate the need to increase crops of pea, chickpea and lentil in Ukraine, as there are all the necessary conditions - adapted to insufficient moisture varieties, developed technology for their cultivation, accumulated positive experience for obtaining high yields.

Conclusions. Based on our own results and analysis of the experience of many countries around the world revealed the importance of legumes for our country. Their role in providing high-quality food, improving soil quality, increasing the country’s export potential is noted


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