New promising early-ripening soybean Glycine max (L.) Merril varieties Poiedynok and Kapryz


  • E. V. Yakubenko Institute of Oilseed Crops of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences, Ukraine
  • A. S. Zinchenko Institute of Oilseed Crops of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences, Ukraine
  • K. Y. Boyko Institute of Oilseed Crops of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences, Ukraine
  • E. V. Vedmedeva Institute of Oilseed Crops of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences, Ukraine



variety, soybean, performance, early ripening, drought resistance, yield


Purpose and objectives. To create new soybean varieties and combine early ripening, drought resistance and performance in them, which is necessary to obtain soybean yields in Southern Ukraine.

Materials and methods. To create new varieties, the soybean collection the Institute of Oil Crops NAAS was used. The potential donors of valuable traits were identified in previous studies. The donors were investigated in two-row plots of 9.8 m2 in two replications as per the environmental trial technique. F1 hybrids were propagated, and seeds were harvested from each plant separately. F2 hybrids were sown as follows: seeds were sown by twos in the 70 cm x 70 cm square-cluster method of planting.

Results and discussion. Our study of the starting material of the new varieties fully confirmed IV Seferov et al.’s conclusions on the differences in expression of important characteristics of soybean varieties when grown in different conditions. It turned out that the potentially very high-yielding varieties, Hodson and Diona, could not fulfill their high potentials, gain weight and form large numbers of pods. However, they were good as donors of high yield in the new varieties, Poiedynok and Kapryz. Successful breeding of early-ripening soybean varieties, adapted for the arid climate of Southern Ukraine, was ensured by selection of offspring under the extreme conditions of water deficit in Southern Ukraine and involvement of early-ripening varieties, with high potential to produce lateral stems

Conclusions. The new early-ripening soybean varieties, Poiedynok and Kapryz, have been created; their vegetation periods are 100 days and 95 days, respectively; the potential yields amount to 3.5 t/ha, with the average yield of 2.3 t/ha from Poiedynok and 2.1 t/ha from Kapryz. The varieties meet the process specifications in terms of the plant height and the height of the lowest pod attachment, even ripening, resistance to lodging and pod shattering. They are tolerant to major fungal diseases and drought


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