New sources of resistance to hazardous organisms in pea in the eastern forest steppe of Ukraine


  • Т. В. Сокол Plant Production Institute nd. V.Ya. Yuryev of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine



Pea, resistance, infestation, damage, infectious background, provocative background, asco-chytosis, fusariosis, pea moth, pea weevil


The results of studying resistance of 70 collection pea samples to a range of hazardous organisms on artificial backgrounds of diseases and provocative backgrounds of pests in the Eastern forest-steppe of Ukraine over the period of 2009-2013 are presented in this article.

Purpose. To identify new genetic sources of pea resistances to fusariosis, ascochytosis and pests for further use in breeding programs.

Methods, source material. Field studies were carried out in a scientific crop rotation at the Plant Production Institute nd. a V.Ya. Yuryev of NAAS in an infectious nursery for pulses. Sowing and surveillance of crops were carried out according to the conventional techniques using phytopathologic, entomological and mycological methods.

Results and Discussion. Pea sources with individual resistance to diseases or pests; group resistance to pests; complex resistance to diseases and pests were identified. During the study period 20 new sources of pea resistance to diseases and pests were identifird, of which 13 samples had individual resistance (two of them are resistant to ascochytosis, seven - to the pea moth, four - to the pea weevil); two samples had group resistance (to the pea moth and pea weevil); and five samples had complex resistance (three of them - to ascochytosis and the pea moth, two - to ascochytosis and pea weevil).

Conclusions. Over the five-year study period (2009-2013) 20 new sources of pea resistance to diseases and pests were identified. They are valuable source material and recommended for use in pea breeding to create resistant varieties.


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