Technological and baking properties of common spring wheat samples depending on the geographical origin


  • О. Ю. Леонов Institute of Agriculture of Carpathian Region of NAAS, Ukraine



Common spring wheat, grain quality, samples, sources, geographical origin


Aim. Identify priorities for the introduction of common spring wheat with high grain quality in connection with the geographical origin of the samples. Select sources of valuable traits.

Material and methods. The article summarized the results of trial during 1997-2010's technological and baking properties of 253 samples of spring bread wheat from 15 countries.

Results. The regularities of grain quality characteristics appearance depending on geographical origin of samples were evaluated. Varieties and lines from the steppe zone of Russia and Kazakhstan had the best technological and baking properties among of bread spring wheat samples, but they were characterized by a lower content of protein and gluten in the flour compared with varieties from the north of Ukraine, Germany, Belarus, Canada and USA. Geography origin varieties and lines with high values of test weight, grain vitreousness, protein and gluten content in the flour and samples with high technological and baking qualities are different. There was no negative correlation between grain yield and flour strength, bread volume and common baking score. Sources of complex important technological, baking traits and high yield were identified among bread spring wheat collection. Clustering regions of origin by dedicated quality factors allowed us to determine priorities for the introduction of samples with high grain quality characteristics, which included Forest-steppe and Steppe of Russia and Kazakhstan.

Conclusions. As a result of study the priorities for introduction of common spring wheat with high grain quality were identified, the sources of valuable traits were selected and the trait collection of spring wheat according to technological and baking qualities were formed.


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