Evaluation of winter barley breeding lines for productivity and adaptability under environments of forest- steppe of Ukraine
Winter barley, breeding lines, winterhardiness, productivity, adaptibility, diseases resistance, lodging resistanceAbstract
Purpose. To evaluate new winter barley breeding lines under environments of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine for productivity and resistance to abiotic and biotic factors, to select the best ones for complex of agronomic traits as candidates-varieties to be transferred to State Strain Testing.
Material and methods. The study was conducted at Breeding Barley Laboratory of the V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat of NAAS in 2009-2014. Winter barley breeding lines of competitive strain test of were the object of the research. Field evaluation for winter hardiness, duration of cropping season, resistance to lodging and to major leaf diseases was carried out. Adaptability indices were calculated by yield performance according to conventional methods.
Results. In 2009-2010 field evaluation and rejection of breeding lines in control nursery and prove preliminary testing for winter hardiness has been carried out. Subsequently under relatively favorable wintering conditions the breeding lines were studied in the competitive strain testing for morpho-physiological traits related to winter barley winter hardiness such as sugar levels accumulated in tillering nodes at the moment of stopping growth and development of apical points in autumn and winter periods.
With a number of methods to assess the adaptability mathematical and statistical analysis of yield for 40 winter barley breeding lines in 2012-2014 was carried out and parameters of plasticity and stability were defined. Based on the indices defined ranking and calculation of adaptability rating were carried out. In addition, weather conditions during years of research were favorable to objective evaluation of breeding lines for resistance to lodging and several leaf diseases - powdery mildew, barley leaf stripe, net blotch, spot blotch and barley leaf rust. Breeding lines that combine higher levels of yield and resistance and moderate resistance to individual or set of the factors mentioned above in field conditions were identified.
Conclusions. Resulted from a comprehensive study in competitive strain testing of MIW breeding lines Pallidum 4816 (Luxor / Myronivs’ky 87), Pallidum 4857 (Osnova / Myronivs’ky 87), Pallidum 4659 (Erfa / Radical // Kromoz) possessing the most optimal ratio of yield potential, parameters of adaptability, resistance and moderate resistance to abiotic and biotic factors were singled out. These lines will be transferred to the State Strain Testing of Ukraine as new winter barley varieties.
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