The estimation of winter triticalegene pool for the variety developing of the polissya ecological type


  • А. М. Кирильчук National Science Center “Institute of Agriculture NAAS Ukraine”, Ukraine



Winter triticale, collection sample, extreme conditions, trait, crop yield, variation, correlation


Introduction. The soil and climatic condition of Polissya and western regions of Ukraine characterized by low soil fertility, low warm and light, high humidity of soils and air, that leads for strong development of diseases such as snow mold, powdery mildew, winter wheat leaf blotch, leaf rust and reduction of yield and grain quality. Triticale suffered for another extreme factor like lodging, damping-off and spike sprouting. Every second year is not considerable for the growth and developing of winter wheat. Lodging of sowing andinfection by powdery mildew, leaf blotch and root rot occurred every year. Les exacting for growing condition and more resistant for complex of diseases with high productivity is winter triticale. Thet`s why developing of cultivars of winter triticale for Polissya condition is actual task.

Discussion. In period 2011-2013 years in collection nursery we researched 115 varieties of winter triticale of Ukraine and other countries.

Conclusion. Cultivarslzomer, Polovetskoye, Sorento defined with productivity 7,9-11,2 t/ga, Interes, Tchayan, Don, Tchudoviy with protein content 14,5-15,0% and gluten content 24,0-24,9%, Raritet and Pronto with starch content 67,4-67,9%. These are usefulbreeding material for developing cultivars with high productivity, specialized for bread making and ethanol production.

Selected collection samples with the complex of agronomical value traits for developing cultivars for grain and feed – Izomer (productivity 7,9 t/ga, protein 13,4; starch 65,0%), for grain – AD-256 (productivity 5,3 t/ga; protein 13,0; gluten 21,5; Zeleni 35,4); and for ethanol production – Pawo (productivity 7,3 t/ga; starch – 64,7%). The results of research showed that increasing yield cultivars decreases the value of the protein content, gluten content and Zeleny. With increasing yield cultivars decreases the value of the protein content.


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