Statistical indicators of passing phases of the growing season in phaseolus vulgaris adaptive selection


  • С. І. Корнієнко Institute of Vegetables and Melons of NAAS, Ukraine
  • Т. К. Горова Institute of Vegetables and Melons of NAAS, Ukraine
  • О. Ю. Сайко Institute of Vegetables and Melons of NAAS, Ukraine



The correlation coefficient, coefficient of variation, hydrothermal coefficient technically ripe green beans, sample, source breeding


The results of adaptation (the coefficient of variation, correlation coefficient and hydrothermal) passing phases of vegetation early maturing common bean vegetable samples of bush type.

Rhythm of fluctuations of abiotic factors, especially high active and low temperatures and precipitation amounts, constitute a certain tension in the implementation of the physiological processes of formation of efficiency. Therefore, the identification of statistical criteria for the management of variability of traits is compelling scientific questions of our time. It is known that the formation of the phases of plant development is interrelated with the action of the weather conditions and the basis of their productivity.

Purpose. The aim of our studies was to determine the statistical parameters of variability of the growing period at each stage of development of kidney bean plants vegetable samples of bush type according to weathering and to identify sources for adaptive selection.

Material and methods. Field studies were carried out in a scientific breeding rotation OBI NAAS (2010 - 2013.) In the open ground in the collection and breeding kennels, which were placed by conventional methods.

Statistical processing of the data and regression and correlation analyzes are carried out according to the procedures set forth B. А. Dospekhov. Standard was a grade Shakhinia.

The coefficient of variation was determined by the ratio of the average feature to its standard deviation, the ratio of the amount of hydrothermal precipitation to decrease the amount of active temperatures reduced tenfold.

Results. According to the research found that the phase formation is technically ripe green bean and physiologically ripe seeds is dependent on the hydrothermal coefficient and isolated samples in each phase, which minimally responded to GTK.

The high positive correlation of hydrothermal coefficient belongs phase sowing - sprouting, causing variability of the samples; negative with their high variability in the phase of seedlings - the first true leaf.

Adaptive fitness of the samples during the growing season is typical for early ripening varieties Shakhinia, Bilozerna 361 and a selection of the sample B / n (05). The weak dependence on weather conditions was the varieties Ksenia and Shakhinia.


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