Inheritance of high protein content by the first generation hybrids of soft winter wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.)


  • В. В. Кириленко Myroniv Institute of Wheat nd. of V. M. Remeslo of NAAS, Ukraine
  • О. В. Гуменюк Myroniv Institute of Wheat nd. of V. M. Remeslo of NAAS, Ukraine



Winter wheat, sample, variety, F1 hybrid, inheritance, protein, grain  


Results of bread winter wheat breeding for increased protein content in grain were given.

Purpose. Creation a new breeding material by hybridization method for increased levels of protein content in grain.

Methods and material. For creation a new breeding material by hybridization method for increased levels of protein content in grain the varieties: AC MACKINNON, KRISTY, VIENNA, HARVARD (Canada), MV-10-02 (Hungary), NS 124-01 (Yugoslavia), NE 97669 (USA), MEWA (Poland), SKAHEN, DROMOS (Germany), OTAMAN, BENEFIS (Ukraine) differing by this trait have been used. Based on these samples 16 simple combinations of crossing in 6 ways: 1 – high protein content / high protein content; 2 – high protein content / medium protein content; 3 – medium protein content / high protein content; 4 – high protein content / low protein content; 5 – low protein content / high protein content; 6 – medium protein content / medium protein content were formed.

Results. Variety samples of foreign breeding for high levels of this trait were identified. The level of expression of dominance for increased protein content in grain in hybrids of the first generation was determined. When testing hybrid combinations of the first generation for protein content in grain from crosses of different parental forms, in the most cases combinations with lower content than in the parental components predominated (negative dominance hp = -0,5 – -11,2).

Conclusions. Depending on group of crossing there is a trend: in the group of high protein content / high protein content almost all variants of the first generation hybrids high indices of the trait protein content in grain were obtained, what is valuable in further selection levels.


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