Differentiating ability of environments as a methods of selection initial material in spring barley breeding





spring barley, variety, environment differentiating ability, 1000 grains weight


Under Ukrainian Steppe conditions differentiating effect of the environment and environment parameters have been determined by the seven varieties of spring barley investigation.

The aim and tasks of the study. To determine the effects of the differentiating ability of the environment, especially the parameters of environment data as a background study for the selection by the 1000 grains weight parameter basis.

Materials and methods. The dates obtained from the investigation of spring barley varieties Prairie, Donetsky 14, Partner, Galaktik, Getman, Phenix under conditions of 2012-2014 have been analyzed. Elements of productivity and this structure were carried out on the area of1 m2 in three replications 25 plants each. Parameters of adaptive capacity, stability of genotypes and environment as the background for the selection have been calculated by the method of A. Kilchevsky, L.V. Khotyleva by IFR program "OSGE" «Elite Systems gr.». The interaction of genotype and environment, the accuracy of the individual factors influence on yield were determined by analysis of variance.

Results and discussion. In 2012-2014 seven varieties of spring barley were tested. As a standard variety Prairie has been used. Variety of Donetsk Experiment Station of NAAS (Donetsky 14, Partner), Plant Breeding end Genetics Institute of NAAS (Prairie, Getman, Galaxic, Adapt). Plant Production Institute nd. a V. Ya. Yuriev of NAAS (Phenix) were included.

Partner had high and the positive effects of the environment in 2012? variety Donetsky 14 had a low positive in 2012 and 2013, Getman and Adapt had same. Higher differentiating ability of the environment observed in 2012 – 9,22. Linearity coefficient indicates linear interaction of environment and parameter 1000 grains weight in 2012. The relative ability of differentiating environment was high (20.7) in 2012 and the lowest (2.9) in 2014. The effects of compensation (1.51) in 2013 pointed to analyzed effect of the environment as the background for the selection.

Conclusions. Using the differentiating ability of the environment makes it possible to analyze their effects on grade and characterize them as backgrounds for the breeding of varieties as initial material on the basis of 1000 grains weight. Thus, in the course of research it has been allocated 2012 and 2013 as analyzed background and 2014 as a stabilized background.


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