Селекційно-генетичні особливості різновидностних форм ячменю ярого
Ячмінь, кількісні ознаки, діалельні схрещування, F1 і F2 гібриди, компоненти генетичної дисперсії, успадковуваністьAbstract
There were established some selection-genetical features in ten forms with different varieties as to the components of genetical variense, heritability of quantitative traits in F1 and F2 hybrids from diallel crosses. On the whole, in the experiment with the parental forms gene dominant effects generally prevail as H1 and H2 components of gene dominant effects are considerably higher, with the exception of D component of additive effects. It is also conformed by the level of a mean degree of dominance (H1/D) and its estimate (√H1/D), which is above the unity, that is indicative of overdominance, as well as, positive value of F component relative to the frequency of partition of dominant and recessive allels on the whole in the experiment. However, particular components of crossing have their features as to the predominance of non-additive effects at F>0 or gene additive ones at F<0, as well as under different levels and the ratio of the coefficients of heritability in the wide and narrow sense. It permits to some extent to foresee the manifestation of traits and selection efficiency in the progenies of hybridsDownloads
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