Влияние самостоятельного и смешанного с тритикале возделывания озимой вики на высоту, продуктивность и химический состав культур


  • Н. Георгиева Институт кормовых культур – Плевен, Bulgaria
  • Т. Кертиков Институт кормовых культур – Плевен, Ukraine
  • А. Илиева Институт кормовых культур – Плевен, Ukraine




Вика, тритикале, смешанный посев, урожай, химический состав


Two-factor field experiment is conducted in order to determine the effect of pure and mixed with triticale (50:50) sowing of winter vetch on height, yielding ability and chemical composition of the crops. The data show that the plants of winter vetch and triticale in pure stands on the average by 8.2 and 5.3% taller than those of the crops in mixed stands. The late sowing dates (5-10th of October and 20-25th of October) reduce plant height of winter vetch (by 3,9 and 9,2%, respectively) and triticale (by 1,7 and 5,3%, respectively) in pure stands as compared to with the first sowing date (20-25th of September). In the mixed stands these values are higher.

Under equal proportions in the sowing rate of the mixure dry mass yild of leguminous and cereal components by 46,1 and 21,8% higher than the half yield, obtained in the pure stands. For different sowing dates the definite relationships are established: in connection with reducing rainfalls from the first souring date to the last vetch yielding ability in the mixed stands exceeds by far that one in the pure stands at the first date (by 50.2%), and triticale – at the third sowing date (by 30.4%). In dry matter of vetch biomass harvested in pure stands there is higher amount of crude protein (205.7 г/кг) than in that of vetch biomass taken from the mixed agrophytocoenosis (189.7 г/кг). And, vice versa, in triticale the crude protein content is higher by 10.1% in the mixed sowing than in the pure one.



