Evaluation of sunflower starting material for breeding-valuable traits
https://doi.org/10.30835/2413-7510.2022.260986Ключевые слова:
sunflower, lines, breeding, productivity, pollen viability, leaf surface indexАннотация
Purpose. To evaluate self-pollinated sunflower lines for major breeding-valuable and agronomically useful traits in the Eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.
Materials and methods. Fourteen self-pollinated sunflower lines of different genetic origins were studied. The field and laboratory experiments were conducted in accordance with traditional methods. The pollen viability from the fertile sunflower lines was determined by the tetrazole method.
Results and discussion. Of the studied sunflower genotypes, five genotypes were distinguished: Skh808А/Kh1002B, Skh808А, Kh785V, and Kh06135V. They had the highest head productivity of 30.0–57.8 g (1.7–3.3 t/ha) in the Eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. We confirmed other scientists’ results on leaf death and absence of correlation between the plant height, LSI and productivity (r = 0.05; -0.11; -0.13, respectively). It was noted that LSI was important for oil content in seeds and negatively correlated with it (r = -0.57). As to the “shooting-anthesis” period, Skh808А has the shortest period of development (60 days) and KhNAU1133V – the longest one (75 days). The sunflower lines obtained via mutagenesis gave low yields (0.5 t/ha). Kh06134V was distinguished due to its pollen viability, as this line produced the largest amount of viable pollen grains (64.5%).
Conclusions. The main features of the growth and development of sunflower lines in the Eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine were determined. The main breeding and economically useful features of the sunflower lines were assessed. Owing to the study, the Skh808А/Kh1002B, Skh808А, Kh785V, and Kh06135V genotypes with the best productivity and quality were singled out. The Kh06134V line, which produced the largest amount of viable pollen grain, was identified.
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