Means of the future engineers-teachers’ professional competence formation: pedagogical and psychological conditions
professional-creative skills, motivation, pedagogical creativity, practical training, creative abilities, diligence, future engineers-teachersAbstract
The article considers the psychological and pedagogical conditions of the future engineers-teachers’ professional competence formation, pedagogical creativity as a component of pedagogical skills, as well as features of working with talented and gifted students as an important factor in effective professional development.
The psychological and pedagogical principles of linguistic activity of able and gifted students were studied. Scientific approaches to understanding of “ability” and “dedication” and their influence on language activity of non-philological specialties students are defined. The psychological and pedagogical principles of organization of interaction of the teacher and students were formulated.
Pedagogical psychology investigates the processes of development of students’ thinking, attention and memory, ability to perceive language facts and phenomena in their dialectical unity. For gifted students there are high enough development of thinking, long-term memorization of educational material, high efficiency, developed self-control skills in educational activity, ability to give doubt and scientific thinking certain stereotypes. They are distinguished by an increased propensity to mental activity, originality, the formation of different kinds of memory, respect, assembly, speed of reaction, richness of imagination.
For effective work with gifted students teachers have to know their psychological and pedagogical peculiarities and specifics of their learning, to be recognized with the concept of diligence, to understand the content of understanding “ability”, “dedication”, “talent”, types of diligence. It is important in the teaching of the future profession, that students are aware of their own activities, both theoretical and practical. The development of professional competence is the development of creative individuality, the formation of readiness to accept the new, the development of receptivity to pedagogical innovations
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