Forming intending teachers’ health preserving competence in the educational environment of higher educational institution
Health preserving competence, intending teacher, professional training, pedagogical conditions, the model of forming, health care, health preserving activityAbstract
Professional training in higher educational institutions is determined not only by the amount of obtained knowledge, but also by solving the problem of preserving and strengthening health, students’ need for healthy lifestyle, the need to find and implement ways to form their health preserving competence. The article deals with the problem of forming health preserving competence of intending teachers in the educational environment of HEI. The current state of research of the specified problem was analyzed in the paper, the maintenance of the concept “health preserving competence of intending teacher”, the structure of the investigated phenomenon, including value-motivational, cognitive, operational-activity and reflexive components was specified. Criteria, indicators and levels of formation of the studied competence were determined. The pedagogical conditions of its forming were revealed and theoretically substantiated: creating and realizing integral educational and methodical support by supplementing the content of disciplines of the professional and practical training cycle and practice with the health preserving component; forming the need for self-education, developing the ability to self-control and professional self-assessment of health preserving competence; creating the healthy educational environment. The model of forming health preserving competence of intending teachers in the process of professional training, suggested in the educational environment of HEI, includes three blocks: target (coverage of the purpose, tasks, principles and approaches), organizational and semantic (pedagogical conditions, pedagogical technologies, concretized by organizational forms, methods and the maintenance of training) and reflective and effective (criteria, indicators and levels of health competence). The results of the experimental verification of the pedagogical conditions of forming health preserving competence of intending teachers were given
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Copyright (c) 2022 Hanna Ihnatenko, Теtianа Samus, Оleksandr Іhnatenkо, Vitaliy Оpanasenkо, Bohdan Vovk

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