Implementation of preschool universal education in rural preschools of Ukraine (1963-1984)
preschool institutions, countryside, preschool universal education, preschool upbringing, historical and pedagogical researchAbstract
Emphasis is placed on the periodization of the development of preschool institutions in rural areas of Ukraine in the chronological boundaries of 1945-1991. There are three periods of formation and development of rural preschool institutions: 1st period (1945-1963) refers to the revival and formation of preschool institutions in rural areas, 2nd period (1963-1984) refers to the implementation of preschool education in rural preschools, 3rd period (1984-1991) refers to the renewal of the educational space of preschools in rural areas. The historical facts of the organization of public preschool education in the Ukrainian village in 1963-1984 are generalized – period of dynamic development of rural preschools: intensive construction of preschools in the village according to standard projects, merging nurseries and kindergartens into one institution, mass transformation of seasonal preschools into permanent ones, period of critical analysis, use and implementation of pedagogical experience, scientific and methodological developments, organization of patronage (mentoring) work, creation of "kindergarten schools". The author's periodization is based on scientific achievements in the periodization of the history of pedagogy by socio-economic and political characteristics and periods of formation of Ukrainian statehood. It is emphasized, that periodization is only an author's version, which can be accepted by scientists or refuted by replacing it with another. The following methods were used in the process of scientific research: analysis, generalization, systematization of archival documents, legislative acts, substantiation of the initial positions of scientists and practitioners on the researched problem. Chronological-systemic and historical methods were used in the dynamics and sequence of time to consider the peculiarities of the functioning of preschool institutions in rural areas of Ukraine in the period 1963-1984.
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