Features of training of vocational education teachers in Germany





vocational education in Germany, teacher training, standards, competencies, teaching, education, assessment, innovation, curriculum, internship


Influenced by the processes of European integration, globalization and, in particular, in order to build a single European higher education area, an important task of Ukrainian educators is to study the practical experience of our foreign colleagues in training teachers for vocational schools at all levels. Among the European countries where close attention is paid to the quality of teacher training, in particular in the field of vocational education, Germany stands out. The purpose of the study is to analyze the features of modern training of teachers of vocational education in Germany with the prospect of using progressive German experience in the Ukrainian system of training/retraining of teachers for institutions of professional and higher technical education. A detailed analysis of the German teacher training system, carried out in the course of this study, allowed us to make some important generalizations. First, it is worth noting the high expediency and effectiveness of Germany's extensive system of institutions, which, thanks to a clear division of functions, contribute to the effective organization of three-stage training of qualified teachers for vocational education. Secondly, the analysis of the content of the curriculum for future teachers of vocational education in Germany shows an attempt to train competitive professionals not only in the vocational education system, but also in the labor market in general. Third, the developed Standards for teachers in the field of educational sciences effectively influence the implementation of training programs for teachers of vocational education, requiring the formation and further improvement of their competencies in the field of teaching, education, evaluation and implementation of innovations. Finally, it is worth noting the urgent need to use the achievements of the German experience of practical training of VET teachers in the Ukrainian system of training and retraining of teachers for institutions of professional and higher technical education

Author Biography

Galyna Lysenko, Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Ukrainian Studies, Documentation and Information Activity


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How to Cite

Lysenko, G. (2022). Features of training of vocational education teachers in Germany. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (3(48), 37–43. https://doi.org/10.15587/2519-4984.2022.257349



Pedagogical Education