Development features of modern pedagogue in the system of postgraduate education


  • Larisa Familarska Communal institution «Zhytomyr Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education» Zhytomyr Regional Council Mykhaylivska str., 15, Zhytomyr, Ukraine, 10014, Ukraine



pedagogue, development, postgraduate education, educational environment, mobility, learning, communication, technologies


In the article was analyzed the state of the problem study by Ukrainian scientists. Approaches of a pedagogue of a postgraduate educational institution to a modern pedagogue development taking into account changes and interactions between its subjects, strengthening of the role of information and communication that condition the features and character of the modern education and education environment development were presented.

There were characterized the essential characteristics of the notions «soft skills» and «hard skills». There were revealed a necessity in their development in a modern pedagogue in the postgraduate education. Soft skills of a person allow a specialist to be successful, not depending on the specificity and direction of his/her professional activity realization.

The systematization of soft skills development features in pedagogues with the great experience of pedagogical activity was realized. Three components of a pedagogue’s soft skills development were separated: informativity, communicability, reflexiveness and their parameters.

The positive dynamics in the soft skills development as a result of introduction of a learning course, directed on the development, into the elaborated educational-developing e-environment was presented

Author Biography

Larisa Familarska, Communal institution «Zhytomyr Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education» Zhytomyr Regional Council Mykhaylivska str., 15, Zhytomyr, Ukraine, 10014

Department of Pedagogy and Andragogy


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How to Cite

Familarska, L. (2017). Development features of modern pedagogue in the system of postgraduate education. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (6 (14), 43–45.



Pedagogical Education