E-learning course of “Antic literature” during the training of students-philologists





MOODLE environment, e-learning course, educational process, educational and methodical support


The article deals with theoretically proved definition of the notion “MOODLE environment”, and it is analyzed the main principles of functioning of this software (program) product. The notion “e-learning educational course” has been revealed, its structural elements and the specific of organizing the work are characterized. The differences between electronic learning course and electronic manual are described in this work. The didactic expediency of introduction e-learning courses into the educational process of higher educational establishments is argued. The advantages of using e-learning course either for students or instructor are traced out. Using of e-learning course gives the opportunity to combine fundamentally the elements of the traditional forms of education (instructor, practical courses, self-assessment work) with the informational and communicational technologies. The introduction of e-learning course into the educational process of higher educational establishments is favourable to the development of independent thinking, initiative and responsibility for performing work. The practical experience of using “Antic literature” e-learning course developed in the MOODLE environment for the students of the faculty of foreign languages is offered. It is proved that using of “Antic literature” e-learning course gives the opportunity to individualize and systematize educational process, organize communicative interaction between a instructor and a student, establishes chronological ambits of students’ doing the tasks effectively realise checking control and self-control of students’ knowledge with application of different tasks, assists the efficient learning of educational material

Author Biography

Natalia Hrytsak, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University Pyrohova str., 9, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of methodology of world literature education


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How to Cite

Hrytsak, N. (2017). E-learning course of “Antic literature” during the training of students-philologists. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (12 (20), 17–22. https://doi.org/10.15587/2519-4984.2017.119776



Pedagogical Education