Methodological principles of forming designing skills in the process of preparation and implementation of the diploma study


  • Yuriy Yakimets A separate structural unit Automobile and Road College of Lviv Polytechnic National University Lychakivs'ka str., 2, Lviv, Ukraine, 79008, Ukraine



diploma design, methodology, designing skills, technics-mechanics, automobile industry


The article analyzes the structure of the diploma project and shows the possibilities of increasing the efficiency of its development by optimizing the content of educational information, phased control with provision of feedback, timely teacher counseling, etc.

The methodology of formation of designing skills for future mechanics of motor transport industry in the process of preparation for graduation design is proposed, which involves two aspects: content related to the selection of knowledge, and managerial, which reflects the organization of training. The methodology of forming design skills in the process of preparation for diploma design provides an integrative relationship between the theoretical component of training with industrial practice with the help of a diploma project, which involves functional tasks that a technician-mechanic should carry out in a professional activity.

The research substantiates the following methodological principles: the emphasis on the interrelation of the stages of diploma design and the study of professionally oriented disciplines for the formation of design skills engineering-mechanics; revealing of innovative directions of professional activity of technics-mechanics in modern conditions; identification of criteria for the development of design skills, based on new requirements and industry demands; the need for an individual approach to students; improvement of designing skills in the process of studying professionally oriented disciplines; taking into account the peculiarities of the practical training of future mechanics of the motor transport industry, based on the modern requirements of the motor transport industry. The main stages of the implementation of the methodology of forming the design skills in the process of preparation for graduation design and stages of its implementation, in particular analysis of residual knowledge on basic disciplines (mathematics, physics, computer science, drawing), studying of the discipline "Introduction to a specialty", practical work, examination of mental maps , completion of a course project, pre-diploma practice, defense of a diploma project, etc.

Author Biography

Yuriy Yakimets, A separate structural unit Automobile and Road College of Lviv Polytechnic National University Lychakivs'ka str., 2, Lviv, Ukraine, 79008

Deputy Director


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How to Cite

Yakimets, Y. (2018). Methodological principles of forming designing skills in the process of preparation and implementation of the diploma study. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (2 (22), 16–20.



Pedagogical Education