Development model of professional competences in environmental monitoring in the system of postgraduate education




environmental monitoring, postgraduate education, model, professional competences, ecological specialists, principles of study


During the study there was elaborated the structural-functional model of professional competences formation in the system of postgraduate education, and its main components (purpose, conceptual, content, operational and activity, control and regulative, resulting and diagnostic) were defined. This model is a generalized system with a system-innovative approach to improving theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of environmental monitoring, it reflects the content filling of the professional development of specialists, main scientific-methodological statements (principles, phenomena, processes) that may be corrected, corresponding to concrete requirements of the professional activity of specialists in the nature protection field. There are separated the components of training specialists in environmental monitoring: special and professional (informational, graphic, professional-motivational, gnostic, communicative, adaptive), scientific and research (methodological, analytic, prognostic), laboratory and practical (methodical, organizational, activity) that mutually add each other and are closely connected. There is characterized each component of the structural-functional model, and interconnections between them are demonstrated. There is demonstrated the methodology of formation of professional competences in environmental monitoring in the system of postgraduate education. It is established, that this model structures and improves formation stages of professional competences in ecological specialists, determines organizational-pedagogic conditions of this process. In particular the improvement of the content component, complex combination of different forms of study organization, creation of the innovative educational space in environmental monitoring in the system of postgraduate education. According to this model, professional competences in environment monitoring will be developed by workers of state, expert-control, inspection, departmental, scientific and educational, social institutions, production, nature protection enterprises, establishments, institutions, social organizations

Author Biographies

Natalia Bordіug, Zhytomyr National Agroecological University Staryi blvd., 7, Zhytomyr, Ukraine, 10008

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Environmental Safety and Natural Resources Management

Nataliіa Rideі, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University Pirogova str., 9, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Department of Adult Education


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How to Cite

Bordіug N., & Rideі N. (2018). Development model of professional competences in environmental monitoring in the system of postgraduate education. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (6 (26), 25–29.



Pedagogical Education