Trends in the professional training of physical education teachers in germany
professional training, teacher of physical education, trends, state, characteristic features, GermanyAbstract
The article clarifies and substantiates the leading tendencies of professional training of physical education teachers in the system of professional educational institutions of Germany (at the end of the XVIIІ th ‒ the beginning of the XXI century). As a result of the study of the professional training of teachers of physical education in Germany revealed: 1) the main trends of formation (in the late XVIII ‒ early XX century): the initial; organizational design; organizational and final; 2) the main trends of development (the first third of the XX ‒ the end of the XX century): directly military-applied direction during the reign of the Third Reich; political and ideological influence during the GDR and the traditionally restoration stage in the time of Germany; 3) the leading tendency of the training of teachers of physical education in Germany at the present stage ‒ unification and standardization ‒ (from 1990 to now) has been determined: the spread of the Bologna process in pedagogical education; transition to the education system «Bachelor – Master»; preservation of the traditional system of pedagogical education; teacher training by type of school and by position; As a result of the analysis of the modern curriculum of German higher education institutions that train teachers of physical education, the following characteristics are ascertained: 1) curricula include both compulsory disciplines and disciplines of student choice; 2) the training of teachers of physical education covers four different areas: the study of education sciences: the acquisition of pedagogical and other specialized pedagogical qualifications; professional-scientific preparation for two chosen subjects of teaching; professional-didactic training: the mastering of specialized theories and methods for the transfer of educational material; practice: the training of physical education teachers is practical-oriented, the lion's share of the workload consists of practical classes, seminars and various pedagogical practices; 3) in the pedagogical education of Germany there is a refendariat that lasts from 16 to 24 months and is an independent, school-practical oriented, the final stage of acquiring teacher education of teachers
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