Strategies for making management decisions in information and analytical activity




strategy, information, analytics, management, research, decision, analysis, algorithm, information analytics


The aim of the study is to substantiate and analyze the strategy of managerial decision-making in information and analytical activities, to specify the main aspects of analytics for decision-making.Strategies for making managerial decisions in information and analytical activities are substantiated. The relevance of the use of information-analytical research is determined. The main aspects of analytics for decision making are analyzed, as well as the ranging of classes according to the degree of intelligence and complexity of tasks is taken into account. The peculiarities of completeness and reliability of information for information-analytical research are revealed. It is determined, that information analytics is a component of management.The regional management analytics is analyzed, as a result of which it is proposed the scheme of regional management with the use of information and analytical support is offered. The basic principles of design are offered. It is proved, that the management system requires modern analytical support, performed according to the requirements of science, the latest methodologies, including information and analytical activities. Problems and negative sides in the process of information-analytical activity in the system of regional management are determined. It is noted, that information and analytical support helps to achieve the best results, and the effectiveness of activities in any field depends on the management system.

The obtained research results will allow will improve planning, organization and coordination of managerial decision-making and will help to form a significant information capital for making relevant management decisions at all hierarchical levels of management

Author Biographies

Olha Danylyuk, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Computer Technologies

Lyudmyla Petryshyn, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Department of Social Work, Special Education and Management of Socio-Cultural activities


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How to Cite

Danylyuk, O., & Petryshyn, L. (2021). Strategies for making management decisions in information and analytical activity. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (4(43), 26–30.



Pedagogical Education