Features of scientific research work of future aviation specialists





research work, aviation specialists, practical training, technologies and methods of scientific research


The article presents the peculiarities of research work of future aviation specialists. It is noted that higher education institutions in the aviation field pay considerable attention to ensuring the scientific and research component of the use of modern educational technologies for the professional training of future specialists. The purpose of the study was the analysis and peculiarities of the research work of aviation institutions of higher education, aimed at the formation of research skills and professional skills.

The methods of research were the analysis and generalization of scientific literature on the organization of research work in higher education, ICAO documents regulating the flight safety management system for air transport.

Features of research work for students of higher education at aviation institutions are singled out, in particular: application of the problem-based learning method through the analysis of aviation regulatory documents and investigation materials of aviation events; simulation of real professional situations through a business game (imitation simulation), where the student is given the opportunity to be a pilot, air traffic controller, dispatcher-instructor, aviation shift leader, etc.; student conferences as an opportunity to present professional research work; simulator (practical) training; the practically oriented character of the educational program – the involvement and use of the work experience of aviation specialists-practitioners.

The criteria for ensuring the effective organization and implementation of research work of future aviation specialists are summarized, which is the complexity, consistency and comprehensiveness of learning and use of methods and technologies of conducting scientific research, implementation of their results, the continuity of research work according to training courses, the logic of the complication of methods, types and forms of scientific creativity

Author Biographies

Oksana Danylko, Flight Academy of the National Aviation University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Physics and Mathematics, Use of Information Technologies in Aviation Systems

Tetiana Ternavska, Flight Academy of the National Aviation University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Law and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines

Kateryna Surkova , Flight Academy of the National Aviation University

PhD, Associate Professor, Head of Department

Department of Physics and Mathematics, Use of Information Technologies in Aviation Systems


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How to Cite

Danylko, O., Ternavska, T., & Surkova , K. . (2024). Features of scientific research work of future aviation specialists. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (1 (58), 41–45. https://doi.org/10.15587/2519-4984.2024.298544



Pedagogical Education