Methodological approaches to the problem of forming professional competence of future bachelors in electronics in higher education institutions




interdisciplinarity, integrated approach, humanities competence, distance learning, technological progress, adaptation


In this research, the author delves into the results of a thorough study and analysis of methodological approaches to shaping the professional competence of future electronics bachelor’s students in higher education institutions. The focus is on an integrated approach to learning, combining technical components and interdisciplinary connections, and fostering the holistic development of students. This allows for a nuanced portrayal of the multifaceted process of shaping professional competence in the current realities of higher education. The author presents an analysis of scientific inquiries directly or indirectly related to the issue of forming professional competence in future electronics bachelor’s students in higher education institutions. The inadequacy of the study on the chosen issue is noted, necessitating a systematic investigation and the identification of specific measures for optimizing the process of shaping professional competence in electronics. The research also highlights the peculiarities of the impact of military conflict conditions on the process of forming professional competence in future electronics bachelor’s students in Ukrainian higher education institutions. Possible limitations in access to educational resources are analyzed, emphasizing the need for adjusting educational programs in the context of wartime conflict. The focus is directed towards analyzing adaptation strategies of higher education to new realities and developing effective methods to ensure safety and quality learning during military actions. The study underscores the necessity of developing innovative teaching approaches, flexibility in higher education responses to global changes, and establishing effective collaboration with the industry. Overall, the research indicates the relevance of combining technical and humanitarian aspects in the higher education of future electronics professionals and reveals prospects for educational institutions in shaping highly qualified experts capable of meeting the challenges of the contemporary technological world

Author Biography

Lidiia Boiko, Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University

PhD Student

Department of Vocational Education and Agricultural Production Technologies


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How to Cite

Boiko, L. (2024). Methodological approaches to the problem of forming professional competence of future bachelors in electronics in higher education institutions. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (2(59), 68–72.



Pedagogical Education