Stress management in "Music performance practice" classes




music performance anxiety, stress management, stress management strategies in music performance, comprehensive approach to stress management


The article is dedicated to studying the phenomenon of music performance anxiety, focusing on the characteristics of stress development during music-related creative activities. It is determined that musical activities, particularly public one, are often accompanied by increased anxiety in performers due to fear of making mistakes, the responsibility to the audience, and the need to demonstrate high levels of mastery. Anxiety, as a normal physiological response to stress, can have both positive and negative effects on performers’ productivity.

An analysis of effective methods, approaches, and strategies for stress management in productive music performance is provided. It is shown that the causes of stress states among music pedagogy students can be emotional tension, technical difficulties, and time constraints.

The cognitive-behavioural, emotionally-focused, neuropsychological, body-oriented, social-communicative, and technological approaches that can be implemented within the stress management framework in "Music Performance Practice" classes are revealed.

The article justifies the need for a comprehensive approach to managing anxiety and stress, using cognitive-behavioural methods, physiological techniques, and a social-communicative approach. This will not only aid students reduce their anxiety levels but also enable them to operate stress as a tool for achieving performance productivity and high professionalism.

Based on the results of the methodology trial, it is concluded that integrating stress management technologies into the content of the "Music Performance Practice" course is advisable.

Further research aims to develop a comprehensive pedagogical system that integrates stress management strategies into the educational process

Author Biography

Zakhar Duboviy, State Institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky”


Department of Vocal and Choral Training


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How to Cite

Duboviy, Z. (2024). Stress management in "Music performance practice" classes. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (4(61), 34–41.



Pedagogical Education