Essence and structure of professional self-realization of higher education students in China
self-realization, professional self-realization, essence, structure, higher education student, higher education institutionAbstract
The study examines the issues of structure and content of professional self-realization among higher education students in the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The relevance and importance of investigating the essence and structure of professional self-realization in PRC students are determined by the need to resolve the contradiction between the modern requirements for students’ professional self-realization as future specialists with significant well-developed professional qualities, defined motives, goals, values, orientations, and attitudes toward professional activities, and their actual level of readiness for such activities. This readiness encompasses acquiring the necessary knowledge, skills, and competencies, along with self-control and accountability for results. Moreover, a future specialist should possess advanced logical thinking, professional culture, and readiness for competitive professional activity in the labor market. Addressing these needs requires modernizing professional training in PRC higher education institutions through updated content, improved forms and methods of teaching, and innovative educational technologies. Professional self-realization involves achieving specific milestones in professional activity, such as acquiring new skills, attaining high-ranking positions, gaining recognition in the professional or expert community, or succeeding in own business. Specialists with developed self-realization capabilities often set ambitious goals, actively seek opportunities to achieve them, and strive for career advancement. Therefore, professional self-realization among PRC higher education students is one of the most significant and relevant educational challenges. Achieving the research objective involved developing a research program and applying appropriate methods, including analysis of legal and regulatory frameworks, scientific literature, educational and professional training programs for students, as well as studying the organizational and methodological support for the training process. Interviews with students and academic staff members of PRC higher education institutions were also conducted. The study found that students have an insufficient understanding of the essence and structure of professional self-realization, which is crucial for professional activities. Their knowledge of the structural components of professional self-realization is inadequate, which may negatively impact the quality of their education and future professional activity
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