Model of formation of innovative competence of students of basic general secondary education in the process of learning physics
modeling, key competencies, psychological and pedagogical conditions, STEM, innovative competence, educational processAbstract
The formation of innovative competence in students during the process of learning physics has become a promising strategic direction for the development of physical education. Based on the results of the analysis of scientific psychological and pedagogical literature, current educational practices for preparing students of basic general secondary education, and trends in its development, the need to update the content of physical education in the context of forming innovative competence and mastering the scientific and pedagogical experience of its formulation in the conditions of the New Ukrainian School has been identified.
The article highlights the process of creating a model for forming innovative competence in students of basic general secondary education during physics learning: it clarifies the essence of modeling as a means of scientific cognition and identifies the peculiarities of creating a pedagogical model; the foundational principles for developing the model of innovative competence formation in students during physics education are outlined; the content of the main blocks of the developed model is defined.
The psychological and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the developed model are indicated: stimulating positive and productive motivation for students to master physical education; considering the achievements of science, technological developments, and labor market requirements in the content of education; involving students in research, project, and interactive activities in line with educational standards, curricula, and educational programs; actively using modern pedagogical approaches to teaching and assessment, innovations in the education sector, interdisciplinary teaching practices, methods and tools that promote the development of students’ research and inventiveness competencies; organizing the educational process as a pedagogical interaction, aimed at the development of the individual and their preparation for solving life tasks of varying complexity
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