Pharmacoeconomic analysis of the use of ramipril and candesartan in patients with arterial hypertension


  • Alena Marushchak Bukovinian State Medical University Theatralna sq., 2, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, 58002, Ukraine
  • Evgeniy Shorikov Bukovinian State Medical University Theatralna sq., 2, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, 58002, Ukraine



Arterial hypertension, candesartan, ramipril, pharmaco-economic analysis, antihypertensive drugs, cost-effectiveness


Arterial hypertension (AH) is the most common cardiovascular disease in the world and is the cause of disability of the population of the developed countries of the world. A feature of hypertension pharmacotherapy is a lifelong intake of medications. Indicators of economic evaluation of the effectiveness of different methods of treatment contribute to the selection of pharmacotherapy, which will provide the patient with the highest effectiveness of treatment, taking into account the financial capabilities of a particular patient. The main objectives of antihypertensive therapy is to achieve the target level of blood pressure (BP), the protection of target organs and a positive impact on risk factors for cardiovascular complications. The "cost-effectiveness" method makes it possible to compare costs with the same therapeutic effectiveness, which was the purpose of our study.

Materials and methods. 100 protocols of medical cards of inpatients were studied. Two groups of patients were isolated: the first group for the treatment of AH received candesartan, and the second group – ramipril. The parameters were taken into account: achievement of target blood pressure, as well as possible complications of drug therapy - hypotension, cough, angioedema. To assess the cost of treatment against the background of the use of ramipril and candesartan, a "cost-effectiveness" pharmaco-economic analysis was carried out.

Results of the study. Using the "cost-effectiveness" method, an analysis of ramipril and candesartan was carried out. The minimum, average and maximum costs of a single, daily, and course dose were calculated and the cost of BP normalization was calculated. The data obtained by us indicate a lower cost of treatment with ramipril. Analysis of the effectiveness of the drugs showed that ramipril is more effective in achieving the target blood pressure, but the percentage of side effects among which heart failure and cough were significantly higher. The data obtained indicate a high therapeutic efficacy of candesartan and ramipril, which allows us to draw conclusions:

Conclusions. The most effective in achieving target BP was ramipril than candesartan. Analysis of the efficacy of drugs has established that ramipril has side effects and causes cough and heart failure, and candesartan can cause angioedema and hypotension. In analyzing the direct costs of treating hypertension, based on current standards of medical care for patients with AH, it was found that the least expensive is the treatment with ramipril. The analysis "cost-effectiveness", showed that ramipril possesses the greatest pharmaco-economic advantage

Author Biographies

Alena Marushchak, Bukovinian State Medical University Theatralna sq., 2, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, 58002


Department of Pathological physiology

Evgeniy Shorikov, Bukovinian State Medical University Theatralna sq., 2, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, 58002

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Internal Medicine, Clinical Pharmacology and Occupational Diseases


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How to Cite

Marushchak, A., & Shorikov, E. (2018). Pharmacoeconomic analysis of the use of ramipril and candesartan in patients with arterial hypertension. ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science, (3 (13), 8–13.



Pharmaceutical Science