High-quality analysis of dry extract of prickly artichoke raw material (Cynara Scolymus L.) cultivated in Uzbekistan





artichoke, cynaroside, bioelements, hepatoprotective agents, extract of artichoke, caffeine, flavonoid


The aim. Artichoke plants are increasingly cultivated in Uzbekistan, where there is growing interest in their raw materials for potential applications within the pharmaceutical industry. This exploration aims to evaluate the feasibility and advantages of integrating components derived from artichokes into pharmaceutical formulations, focusing on their recognized medicinal properties and the possible economic benefits that could arise from such innovations.

Materials and methods. For the creation of highly effective preparations on the basis of artichoke raw material (Cynara scolymus L.) cultivated in Uzbekistan, qualitative and quantitative analysis of some biologically active substances contained in the raw material was carried out, as well as a comparative assessment of their accumulation in the plant growing in different climatic conditions. During qualitative analysis of artichoke prickly raw material cultivated in Uzbekistan, identified important biologically active substances such as phenolic compounds, oxycinnamic acids and flavonoids, tannins, amino acids, and ascorbic acid.

Results. The quantitative analysis conducted on artichoke raw material revealed a notably high concentration of several biologically active compounds. Specifically, the study identified significant levels of chlorogenic acid, which is known for its antioxidant properties; cynaroside, recognized for its potential health benefits; riboflavin, an essential vitamin; caffeine, a stimulant; and caffeic acid, another potent antioxidant. These findings underscore the nutritional value and potential therapeutic applications of artichoke.

Conclusions. The artichoke prickly (Cynara cardunculus) is notable for its significant accumulation of essential bioelements, including sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. These minerals are present in high concentrations within the plant's raw material, suggesting that it possesses valuable medicinal properties. The therapeutic potential of these elements enhances the appeal of an artichoke prickly as a promising source for medicinal applications

Author Biographies

Gulrano Akhmadova, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute

PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences

Tanzila Mirrakhimova, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute

DSc in Pharmaceutical Sciences

Guzaloy Ismoilova, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute

DSc in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor


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High-quality analysis of dry extract of prickly artichoke raw material (Cynara Scolymus L.) cultivated in Uzbekistan




How to Cite

Akhmadova, G., Mirrakhimova, T., & Ismoilova, G. (2024). High-quality analysis of dry extract of prickly artichoke raw material (Cynara Scolymus L.) cultivated in Uzbekistan. ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science, (4 (50), 60–66. https://doi.org/10.15587/2519-4852.2024.310826



Pharmaceutical Science