Research in component composition of the volatile fractions from the genus Anemone plants
Anemone nemorosa L., Anemone ranunculoides L., Ranunculaceae, essential oil, herb, rhizomes, component composition, GC/MSAbstract
Plants of the genus Anemone L. of the Ranunculaceae family are perennial herbaceous plants. The genus includes about 200 species, five of which are growing on the territory of Ukraine. Despite their relatively wide distribution and availability of raw materials, plants of this genus remain insufficiently studied.
The aim. The aim of the work was to conduct comparative research on the volatile substances in A. nemorosa L. and A. ranunculoides L. raw materials harvested in Ukraine.
Materials and Methods. Hydrodistillates obtained from dried herb and rhizomes of A. nemorosa L. and dried herb of A. ranunculoides L. were analyzed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS).
Research results. The investigation identified 68 and 50 compounds in A. nemorosa and A. ranunculoides raw materials, respectively. The key classes of organic compounds in the compositions of volatile fractions of the studied samples are: aldehydes (30.9 – 42.4 %), monoterpenoids (6.1 – 15.5 %), organic acids (4.2 – 15.8 %), aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons (0 – 8.7 %), sesquiterpenoids (7.9 – 18.9 %), diterpenoids (1.9 – 6.1 %), esters (1.8 – 4.4 %), aromatic compounds (4.4 – 7.9 %), alcohols (4.4 – 9.1 %) and ketones (4.4 – 9.1 %). The main components of the volatile fractions of A. nemorosa were identified as hexahydrofarnesyl acetone, dibutyl phthalate, phytol, hexanal, 2-pentylfuran, and (E)-β-ionone. For A. ranunculoides, the basic compounds were hexahydrofarnesyl acetone, n-hexadecanoic acid, phytol, phthalic acid, and pelargonaldehyde.
Conclusions. The component composition of volatile fractions in 11 samples of Anemone L. species from the flora of Ukraine was analyzed using the GC/MS method. It has been found that the A. nemorosa rhizomes contain the highest level of volatile fraction. The analysis of the component composition of volatile fractions in Anemone species indicates the prospects for further research in this plant species, their pharmacological activities, and their applications
Supporting Agency
- This work was supported by the European Union in the MSCA4Ukraine project “Design and development of 3D-printed medicines for bioactive materials of Ukrainian and Estonian medicinal plants origin” [ID number 1232466]. Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the MSCA4Ukraine Consortium as a whole nor any individual member institutions of the MSCA4Ukraine Consortium can be held responsible for them.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Liliia Tuzin, Andriy Grytsyk, Thanh Tung Nguyen, Ain Raal, Oleh Koshovyi

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