


social pedagogue;, health activities;, special secondary school;, readiness.


The article reveals the meaning of the concepts of “health”, “healthy lifestyle”, “culture of healthy lifestyle” and “culture of health”. A healthy lifestyle is a set of external and internal conditions of human life, on which depends the functional state of the systems of his body; the culture of health is a component of the general culture of a person and is expressed through a system of knowledge and needs for preservation, promotion of health, the presence of a high level of culture of behavior towards the environment and health of others. The culture of a healthy lifestyle is interpreted as a practical application of knowledge in the process of their own lives, which involves meeting the need to maintain and strengthen health. It is found that a holistic solution to the problem of preservation and strengthening of spiritual, physical and social health of students, the implementation of which takes place in health keeping activities, the implementation of which is carried out by health keeping technology. The last is understood as a system of purposeful and algorithmic interaction of all participants in the educational process, which involves the formation, preservation and promotion of health. The readiness of a social pedagogue of a special educational institution to implement health keeping activities is considered by us as an integral characteristic of the social pedagogue's personality, which characterizes his ability to carry out activities aimed at preserving the health of students with psychophysical disorders in the educational process own health, and is manifested in the unity of motivational-value, cognitive and activity components. The results of diagnosing the levels of readiness of students majoring in “Social Work” to implement health activities in special secondary schools showed the predominance of low levels of formation of this phenomenon, said 126 respondents, which is 61.1% of all respondents. At the same time, in 44 (21.4%) the basic and in 36 (17.5%) high levels of formation of the specified phenomenon were found. This is evidenced by the fact that most of the students studying in the specialty "Social Work" are not ready for health care activities in special secondary schools. This is due to the low level of knowledge, as evidenced by the results of tests written by students; lack of motivation to work in certain institutions and the lack of a culture of health care in the students themselves.

Author Biography

Natalia Pyliyk, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University

У статті розкрито зміст понять «здоров’я», «здоровий спосіб життя», «культура здорового способу життя» і «культура здоров’язбереження». Встановлено, що цілісне розв’язання проблеми збереження та зміцнення духовного, фізичного та соціального здоров’я учнів, реалізація якого відбувається у здоров’язбережувальній діяльності, практичні реалізація якої здійснюється за допомогою здоров’язбережувальних технологій. Обгрунтовано зміст феномену «Готовність соціального педагога спеціального закладу освіти до реалізації здоров’язбережувальній діяльності у спеціальному закладі освіти» та визначено його структуру. Здійснено діагностику рівнів сформованості означеного феномену у студентів спеціальності «Соціальна робота».


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