



social work, war, adaptation, challenges, resilience, reflections


This article focuses on the challenges and adaptations faced by social workers in Ukraine in response to the full-scale Russian invasion that began in February 2022. Employing a narrative research design, the article analyzes semi-structured interviews with 12 social workers from various regions of Ukraine, conducted during February-March 2024. These interviews aimed to collect in-depth personal recollections and experiences related to the impact of the war on social work practice. From the analysis of the gathered information, three key themes were identified: (1) reactions to the onset of the full-scale invasion and actions of social workers; (2) the manifestation of resilience by social institution workers in wartime; (3) lessons and prospects. The interviews revealed that, in wartime conditions, social workers face unprecedented difficulties, including the loss of documents by clients during evacuation, an increase in the number of vulnerable individuals, and risks to their own lives and health. Despite this, they demonstrate remarkable dedication to their mission, adapting to changing circumstances and continuing to provide essential support and assistance. The article examines how the military conflict affects the practice of social work, highlighting innovative approaches and adaptation strategies. Special attention is given to the need for developing standardized procedures for crisis situations, the importance of international cooperation and experience exchange, and the role of technology in supporting effective social work. Given the overall situation, the article offers recommendations for the further development and strengthening of the social work system in Ukraine. In particular, it emphasizes the necessity of preparing social workers for wartime conditions, including training in self-help and self-recovery techniques, engaging communities in mutual support, and the importance of optimistic hope and faith in the future as critical components of resilience.

Author Biographies

Olha STOLIARYK, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine

PhD in Social Work

Tetyana SEMIGINA, Member of National Qualifications Agency, Ukraine

Dr. in Political Sciences, Professor


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How to Cite

STOLIARYK, O. ., & SEMIGINA, T. . (2024). VOICES OF RESILIENCE: REFLECTIONS OF UKRAINIAN SOCIAL WORKERS IN TIMES OF WAR. Social Work and Education, 11(1), 7–22. https://doi.org/10.25128/2520-6230.24.1.1

