Language socialization of the personality in the context of learning foreign languages




socialization, language socialization, sociolinguistics, foreign languages, foreign language learning


The article examines the concept of language socialization in the context of learning foreign languages. The essential characteristics of the concept of “language socialization” have been revealed, the evolution of the development of the definition and approaches to it in foreign and domestic science have been traced, in particular, it has been clarified that the process of language acquisition by an individual was initially designated by the term “speech socialization”, and later the definition “language socialization” (“language socialization”) appeared. The revealed understanding of language socialization within the framework of the scientific approach developed by D. Hymes, which examines the socialization dimensions of language practices in different language communities, asserting that language acquisition is always culturally constructed and determined by the norms, beliefs, and ideologies of one or another community. It is noted that language socialization goes beyond the cognitive study of social contexts, providing first of all the process of forming belonging to a new community. This becomes especially important when learning a foreign language as a tool for entering a new socio-cultural space. Key aspects of language socialization during foreign language learning are outlined: assimilation of language norms and rules, development of communicative competence, integration of the sociocultural context, language practice in real situations, the role of social interactions, and the formation of linguistic identity. The difficulties of language socialization: cultural barriers, psychological barriers (fear of making mistakes, feeling insecure in one's own knowledge or fear of being misunderstood), linguistic difficulties (differences in grammar and syntax) and lexical difficulties, social barriers (lack of a language environment and social isolation, can hinder effective socialization), difficulties in assimilating social norms (studying hidden social contexts, changes in one's own identity), time and resource limitations are characterized. Prospective directions for future studies of language socialization are outlined, in particular: the study of language socialization in the context of globalization, language socialization in the digital age, language socialization in the conditions of multilingualism and multiculturalism, individual and group differences in the process of language socialization, language socialization in the context of social changes, methodological innovations in the study of language socialization.

Author Biography

Halyna Leshchuk, Ternopil National Volodymyr Hnatyuk Pedagogical University, Ternopil

PhD in pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Social Work and Management of Socio-Cultural Activities, Ternopil National Volodymyr Hnatyuk Pedagogical University, Ternopil


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How to Cite

Leshchuk, H. . (2024). Language socialization of the personality in the context of learning foreign languages. Social Work and Education, 11(3), 316–325.

