

reputation, professional reputation, professional reputation of social sphere’s specialists, diagnostics


It is covered in the article the problem of professional reputation of social sphere’s future specialists. It is discovered the core of the concept “reputation” that is an image that is purposefully formed. Also it has an emotional-psychological influence on anybody in order to make an impression, opinion about the person with created reputation. The social teacher’s professional reputation is presented as a complete image of the personality that has a complex of internal and external factors of personal qualities and means of self-presentation. It is specified the concept “professional reputation of social sphere’s future specialists” that is considered as an aspect of professionalism and means of an influence on others. The components of professional reputation of social sphere’s future specialists include such as an appearance. Person can attracts anybody’s attention and creates a positive impression about him or her. The combination of verbal and nonverbal language gives an opportunity to interact more effectively, express an own attitude, evaluate, incite and make arrangements with others. Internal accordance to the profession that involves a peculiar originality and uniqueness, an expression and an ability to appeal others. It is conducted an experimental study to define the level of students’ professional reputation, future social workers and teachers. The study was conducted in Ternopil National Pedagogic University named after Volodymyr Hnatyuk. 12 four-year students branch of study “Social work” and 15 four-year students branch of study “Social pedagogy” of took part in the study. In the capacity of diagnostics tools it was chosen a questionnaire, the S. Nosov’s technique “The manager’s reputation”. The V. Ryakhovskyi’s technique to define the level of sociability. The M. Rozenberg’s self-esteem test. The general level of professional reputation of social sphere’s future workers / teachers is defined by means of A. Panphilova’s technique as “Check your reputation”. The results of this technique showed that most of students have got a medium level of professional reputation’s formedness.

Author Biography

Olha Soroka, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatyuk National Pedagogic University

Doctor of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor The department of social pedagogy and social work


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How to Cite

Soroka, O. (2016). PROFESSIONAL REPUTATION’S DIAGNOSTICS OF SOCIAL SPHERE’S FUTURE SPECIALISTS. Social Work and Education, 3(2), 62–72. Retrieved from

