Gorokhova T., Babek H. Formation of marketing strategy in the local government system.
marketing, local self-government, local development, non-differentiated strategy.Abstract
The article shows that strategic planning of social and economic development of the city is a systematic process by which local authorities can form the direction of development of the city and determine the stages of achieving the future based on the use of local resources. Highlighted that the development of the city is a multi-dimensional process, which always has a target orientation, that is, aimed at achieving one or more goals. It is noted that marketing experience in business can be used as a basis for the development of marketing complex in the field of local self-government, but taking into account the specifics of this sphere. Also were analyzed the problems of urban strategic planning. It is shown that in developing the strategy, the place, role and functions of the city are identified, the economic and organizational mechanisms of strategy implementation are substantiated. It was determined that modern methods of management of local government provide the basis for reforming this management mechanism. The role of marketing at the local level is not only in the analysis of the market, the demand for products produced in a particular territory, but also in the formation of a favorable investment climate, that is, the key tool for increasing the competitiveness of the territory, which allows to expand access to innovative projects, innovative technologies, etc. The article determined that the characteristics of the development of the territory affect the process of forming the brand and causes a more detailed and complex process of developing the mechanism of branding of this territory. Strategic directions for increasing the efficiency of local government management were proposed, taking into account the specifics of this sphere of economic activity.References
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