No. 27 (2014): Вісник Приазовського Державного Технічного Університету. Серія: Економічні науки

Published: 2015-01-22


  • Титульна сторінка

    Титульна сторінка
    Титульна сторінка
  • Відомості про збірник

    Відомості про збірник
    Відомості про збірник

    Зміст збірника
  • O.B. Nosovska, M.V. Makarenko. Problems and prospects of development of a transport infrastructure of Ukraine.

    О. Б. Носовська, М. В. Макаренко

    In article modern problems of development of a transport infrastructure are considered, the role and value of all types of transport for state economy is proved. The role of sea transport is especially underlined, the infrastructure current state in ports of Ukraine is shown, and also the cargo base processed in domestic seaports is analysed. At an estimation of cargo base for 2013 some scenarios of development of national economy have been considered, the primary goals which follow from the purposes of the basic policy are named.

  • А. А. Melikhov. Organizationally-economic mechanism of competition development of enterprise.

    А. А. Меліхов

    Essence of organizationally-economic mechanism of development of enterprise is specified in the article, definition "competition development mechanism of enterprise" is offered. The structure of competition development mechanism of enterprise and its place in general control system of enterprise development is certain. Principles and functions of competition development mechanism of enterprise are formulated, the algorithm of his action is worked out. Terms and tool of realization of competition development strategies of enterprise are certain on the basis of using competition development mechanism of enterprise.

  • S.I. Bessonova. Analysis of attracting investment in the energy efficiency of industrial enterprises.

    С.И. Бессонова

    In the article the problems of power-hungryness are considered in an industrial sector. Research of the state of metallurgical industry is conducted on the modern stage.The legislative adjusting of energy-savings and power to efficiency is analysed inUkraine. The modern state of investments, directed  in an industrial sector is investigational. The comparative analysis of volumes of direct foreign investments is presented from a calculation on one habitant inUkraineby comparison to other European countries. An analysis innovative of active enterprises is conducted on directions from the general amount of enterprises which carry on innovative activity. Innovative activity of industrial enterprises is analysed on the level of technological production. Problems which do not allow in full to utillize innovative intellectual assets are exposed.  Sourcings innovative activity of the Ukrainian industrial enterprises are analysed. The comparative analysis of financial results of activity   of major and middle concerns of metallurgical and machine-building complexes is conducted. Foreign experience of stimulation of introduction of energy-saving technologies is investigational. Suggestions are borne on introduction of metallurgical and machine-building industries of measures industrial enterprises on the energy-savings of resources.

  • Ospischeva A.K., Andilahay A.A. Analysis of patterns of development engineering en-terprises.

    А.К. Оспищева, А.А. Андилахай

    The analysis of the existing two main directions in the world improve the efficiency of the company. It is shown that the first direction that moves most of the western producers and which requires a significant investment, is a complete or partial reorganization and modernization of production. The second direction, which is used in most Eastern organizations, is to construct the enterprise based on the experience of the production system TOYOTA. 

  • Tkachova A.R. Investment potential as a component in formation of potential of the enterprise.

    А.Р. Ткачева

    Under conditions of transition to a market economy the enterprises had Necessity and opportunity to determine the direction of its investment activity, sources and means to achieve these goals. Any economic system is characterized by its high dynamism, it requires each enterprise to response quickly to situations change in the state's economy, to have the ability to adjust their practical steps. The presence of such impotent skills gives the enterprise the opportunity to develop, gradually moving from one stable state to a qualitatively new. On the one hand, the investment potential of the company is the result of the effective use of opportunities of the enterprise, and on the other hand it is a factor for its further development. Investment potential of the company is closely linked with investment potential of the other companies, the branch and the region. The concept of investment potential was investigated In the article and the investment attractiveness of theDonetskregion was assessed Investments potential is a combination of all available objective indicators and preconditions for investment. Such conditions depend on the availability of potential objects for investing, the diversity of these spheres of investing, as well as their economic maturity and their economic health.

  • Dyakova M. Brand management is a component of management of intellectual property of the enterprise.

    М.С. Дьякова

    A thorough analysis of the views on the concept of brand management in the modern and foreign literature was given in the article.

    It was proved that there are many concepts of brand management, but none of them takes into account such element as management and protection of intellectual property rights.

    It was also proved that the lack of scientifically substantiated approach to the design and development of systems of management of the brand at the enterprise leads to the adoption in the priority of natural or highly specialized solutions which are in its essence can not have the necessary potential for development.

    It was highlighted three hierarchical levels of management of protection of the brand: State level; the enterprise level; public level.

    The scheme of stages of forming of the system of management of intellectual property at the enterprises was improved. It was improved by adding a phase called "the use of brand management and formation of the brand of the enterprise".

    Also  was shown step by step scheme of formation of brand at the enterprise in view of intellectual property rights.

    The author concluded that the complex system of management of brand and the use of brand management at the enterprises would increase the competitiveness of the goods and reach a new level of profit at the enterprise.

  • Sivolap L. Theoretical aspects of national security and the impact on her economic security.

    Л.А. Сиволап

    The article reveals different views of many scientists essence of national security. The basic elements of the structure of the national security (national security, public safety, technological safety, environmental safety and protection from the threats of natural disasters, economic security, energy security, information security, personal security, political security, military security.). The features of the national security of the country and its principles (priority provision Ukrainian national interests, the priority of preventive measures to ensure national security, the inevitability of retribution for the creation of conditions or actual harm to Ukrainian national interests, legitimacy, inviolability of the constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen, unconditional giving priority to the rational and preventive security, centralized management, coordination and interaction between public and private subsystems of national security regulator responsible for the decisions of the NSC, mutual responsibility of the individual, society and the state and so on ) Are the main components of national security, namely the protection of public order; protection of public order; ensuring the territorial integrity and sovereignty; ensure political and economic independence of the nation; the health of the nation; protection of public order, combating crime; technogenic safety; protection against threats to natural disasters. Stated criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of national security.

  • Semkova L. The economic security of the regions.

    Л.В. Семкова

    The article presents the interpretation of the concept of the region within the framework of the various scholars approaches.

    Disclosed the major blocks structure of economic security of the region: economic independence, stability and sustainability of the regional economy, the ability to self-development and progress. Defined the components of economic security at the regional level: industrial, financial, scientific and technical, socio-demographic, the restructuring of the labor market, social, food, ecological. Are indicated factors of economic security in the region, which manifest in the following: the ability to pursue their own economic policies in the country; balanced opportunity to respond to the sharp geopolitical changes in the country; exercise, or at least begin to implement significant economic measures (without waiting for assistance from the center) in socially explosive situations in areas related to the local "economic" diseases; ability to stably support of the adequacy of existing prudential regulations in the territory of international practice, which will save or restore a decent standard of living of the population. Presents a classification of threats to economic security, among which the basic elements are: environmental threats, threats in the real sector of the economy, foreign economic  threats, foreign political threats, food and energy threats, threats in the investment field, threats in the social sphere. Provides the principles of economic security of the region: general, namely: a comprehensive, systematic, variance (alternative), the principle of coordination (coordination) connections and relationships of all elements of the economic security of the region, the principle of specialty of elements (separation of functions and operations performed by the elements).

  • Gorbashevskaya М. Economic security for the regional market of engineering and cross-border cooperation

    М.О. Горбашевська

    The article discusses the economic security of the regional market of engineering and its cross-border cooperation. An important element of international relations are the integration processes that develop in various regions of the world and cover a variety of spheres of relations between states. Of particular importance in the development of these processes belong to international organizations that foster community of states. Article explores questions of economic prospects, safety engineering and regional market for further cooperation with Ukraine Euroregion provides recommendations regarding the development of the regional market of engineering. 

  • Kyslova L.Features forming models the economic security of country.

    Л.А. Кислова

    The article discusses the essence of the concept of "model", "model of country" and a "model of economic security". The selected criteria and approaches to economic security. Dedicated stages and elements (national security policy, policy of economic security; environment)forming a model of economic security. A sphere of operation parameters of economic security(development opportunities, development needs, infrastructure indicators, balance sheet ratios) and indicators of economic security(absolute: synthetic and analytical, relative:general and thresholds). Model deals with economic security, which must take into account not only national characteristics of the conditions of a particular country, but also be capable of integration with similar models in other countries. The existing model of economic security based on different countries (US, Japanese, German, Euro-Keynesian model (characteristic of England, France, Italy, Austria), the Swedish model and the economic security of newly created states or those that perform fundamental change of the system management (Russia, China)). Based on foreign practice, revealed the possibility of state regulation of international experience in providing economic security of Ukraine.

  • Gaponyuk O. Financial security of the state and the ways of its providing.

    О.І. Гапонюк

    The article presents the interpretation of the term "financial security", from different points of view of many scientists. Indicated the composition of financial security, including budget, monetary, monetary and credit, debt security, security of the insurance market and the security of the stock market. Given a mechanism of ensure of the financial security of the country, consisting of elements,  of the providing system and levels. Discloses the directions of activity of the state to provide of financial security of the country, namely, finding cases of deviation of actual or projected parameters of the threshold values, the organization of work on the implementation of measures to prevent or eliminate the appearance of threats to financial security, examination of decisions made on financial issues from a position of financial security country evaluation of the effectiveness of preventing possible damage from adverse effects on the objects of financial security. Proposed system of measures to strengthen the financial security of Ukraine (regulation of the insurance market, improving monetary policy, improved currency policy, regulation of the stock market, the regulation of corporate relations, reform of the budget system). 

  • Lazareva A. Financial security of the country: the threat and the main directions of strengthening.

    А.П. Лазарева

    The article describes the essence of the financial security of the country, particularly its components (budget security, information security, debt security, stock security, security of business sector, monetary security, banking security, investment security, safety of the money market, the tax security). Are given the elements of financial security, such as the effectiveness of the financial system, the independence of the financial system, the competitiveness of the financial system. Disclosed indicators of financial security in the country, namely: budget security, safety monetary market and inflation processes, monetary security, debt security, security of the insurance market, banking security, the security of the stock market. Identified external and internal threats of  the financial security of the state (imperfect fiscal system, the inefficiency of the system, of cost control, of budget funds, untimely adoption of the State Budget; unreasoned monetary policy; inefficiency of the tax system, the massive tax evasion; excessive state budget deficit and mainly emissive coating of it, the growth of the "shadow" economy, strengthening its criminalization, underdeveloped of modern financial infrastructure, the growth of foreign debt, the irrational use of foreign credits; unregulated surge of foreign capital in Ukraine and providing it  with benefits relatively to domestic and more) and the main directions of its strengthening in the areas of public policy such as: foreign economic policy, monetary policy, public debt policy, tax policy, monetary and banking policies.

  • T. Derevjanko, Evaluation of the company image in the labor markets.

    Т.А. Деревянко

    The article shows the necessity of growing of attractive image of native employers. The author proposes the method that allows evaluating of attractiveness of the employer within job market. The article concludes the necessity of making closer declarative and real evaluation of employers’ images on the job market.

  • Belopolskiy N.G, Gonsharenko D.I. Institutionalization of an auction way of sale of production in system of consumer cooperation.

    М.Г. Білопольський, Д.І. Гончаренко

    Questions of institutionalization of a new way of production sale through the organization and creation of system of ensuring functioning of the Dutch auction are considered in the article. Economical and social consequences of the organization of such auction and development of such sales market are revealed. The study allowed: to determine the conditions of the institutional environment that affect the state of cooperation; the propagation direction of cooperation and the formation of a cooperative climate; identify the economic and social consequences of such an organization of sales, as a Dutch auction, as a more effective form of marketing than selling through a network. Auction creates an environment where not only set the spatial difference between the major players in the auction (contractors), but also provide conditions for strengthening their social identity as buyers and sellers.

  • О.О. Plakhotnik. Mechanism for effective management of innovation processes of an enterprise.

    О.О. Плахотнік

    The work proposes a mechanism of monitoring of innovative processes of a company providing the performance of complex organizational reconstructions conducing to the dynamic development of a company and being the basis of its innovative potential. Stages of monitoring of the innovative potential of a company consist of: the systematization of the input information; the analysis and the estimation of the innovative potential; the applied realization of changes.
    At the first stage it is important to develop methodological and methodic backgrounds in order to collect, accumulate, and process the information about the innovative potential of a company in general as well as on technological, organizational and managerial, economic, marketing, social, ecological, and information innovations. To provide monitoring, an information system of monitoring of the company innovative potential is adapted. The methodologies of monitoring of the company innovative potential are grounded in the collection of structured and unstructured information of an internal market, data about a company, and aspects
    of an environment. The data about a company contain economic, technological, social, and marketing key indices and the organization of management. At the second stage there is the system analysis of factors of internal and external  environments, the analysis of a structure and the dynamics of the innovative potential development, the estimation of its level and possible reserves. At the third stage there is processing of monitoring results, the determination of optimal ways of its development, strategies of enhancement, and the choice of tactics for the enhancement of innovative potential. Measures for the increase of a level of the company innovative potential are developed and implemented (for short, medium, and long-term prospects). Processing of the results of monitoring is performed with the use of the information and analytical system of monitoring of the company innovative potential. To apply the mechanism of monitoring of the company innovative potential, the article proposes to use the complex information system acting in terms of a single information environment of a company. It provides unified processing of information, the increase of efficiency of the interaction of top, middle, and low-level managers.

  • Frolova Z. Transfer of technology from research institutes and universities in Ukraine.

    З.В. Фролова

    Examined development of technology transfer in the world, the emergence and formation of technology transfer in Ukraine, made an analysis of opportunities for technology transfer in the production from research institutes and universities and by offered structure commercialization of state budget of intellectual property.

  • Vasilichev D.V., Trifonov G.F. The problems of development and management in innovative activity of labour resources in the region.

    Д.В. Василичев, Г.Ф. Трифонов

    Under consideration were some aspects that hinder the economic development of the country to an innovative direction. The manufacture and export of competitive products are impossible without innovations. At the same time, an innovative product is created in compliance with many conditions, for example, the presence of creative potential of people, motivation and stimulation of innovative activity, necessary financing, high level of culture in a company organization and other conditions. For all these conditions, there are substantial difficulties in their implementation inUkraine.

    During the period of social and economic existence of the state, there is a tracked falling trend in the creative development of young people in the market conditions. Loss of interest in education, self-development, professional growth has led to the fact that the creative activity of young people has decreased. Most managers of small and medium businesses do not have abilities to upgrade and form innovative systems of management of the workforce. Also, labor groups have a low innovation capacity.

    Motivation and stimulation of the innovative development of competent personnel is not systematic. Strategies and tactics of remuneration in an innovative activity is not developed.

    In practice, there are some well-known methods and ways of stimulation in use, that are based on the Soviet experience. New approaches of stimulation are also used from foreign practices.

    The innovation development of company personnel is inextricably linked to the dynamics of innovation at the state level. The higher the level of innovation of the personnel, the higher the level of social-economic development of the country and its people. It is necessary to take active and effective measures to accelerate the innovative development of human resources at all levels of the state management mechanism of the development.

    To provide specific methodological and practical assistance for enterprises in their innovative development, it is suggested a creation of regional innovation centers, which would involve in their work interaction with Universities, scientific research institutes, recruiting and consulting agencies, innovation-active enterprises personnel (innovators, innovators, inventors).
