The information-semantic content of the Ramesses II monument in time-space


  • Kateryna Gamaliia National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, Ukraine



transformation, semantic meaning, Ukrainian culture, the art of the Ancient Egypt, monument of Ramses, embodiment.


Purpose of the article is to investigate and analyze the transformation of the initial information-semantic content of the Egyptian pharaoh Ramesses II (XIII B.C.) monument by the subsequent re-creations and interpretations in other arts by paying particular attention to the activities of Ukrainian researchers. The methodology of the study is based on the use of diachronic and comparative-historical methods for determining the transformation of the information-semantic content of the ancient Egyptian monument, method of analysis and induction to establish general conclusions regarding semantic reproduction and interpretations, a semiotic method for detecting a changed or embedded meaning. Scientific novelty of research is to develop cross-cultural links between ancient Egyptian art and Ukrainian cultural heritage. The identification of contribution of representatives of Ukrainian culture (B. Lyatoshinsky, V. Mysyk, L. Ukrainka) to the development of Egyptology is achieved by comparison in the chronotope of the semantic content embodied in their works with the original ancient Egyptian. Conclusions. A work of art performed within its timeline, within its canon, eventually gains a de-canonized expression, containing a much more significant or altered sense than the one that was laid in at the time of creation. The information-semantic content of the ancient monument is something varying depending on the subjective perception, as well as on the transformation through the prism of historical, natural and ethnocultural factors, which are given by the translator. The study of this transformation in subsequent reproductions and interpretations by the Ukrainian culture figures opens a new way of the art analysis of the monuments of ancient Egyptian art. In comparison, the methods of studying linguistics and art sciences were particularly useful.

Author Biography

Kateryna Gamaliia, National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Docent of Theory and History of Art Department


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